World History Archives

History of Nepal

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 South Asia in general

General and political history of Nepal

Nepal's New Communist Government Produces Gains for the People
From People's Democracy, Communist Party of India, reprinted in People's Weekly World, 3 June, 1995.
Nepal Communists Confront "Basic Problems"
Report by Miguel Figueroa, Communist Party of Canada, in People's Weekly World, 24 June, 1955.
Communists Seek Majority in New Nepal Elections
By Jim Genova, in People's Weekly World, 1 July, 1995.
Nepal's Communists Ready for New Elections
By Prime Minister Manmohan Adhikari, in People's Weekly World, 5 August, 1995.
New regime takes pro-rich measures
From Workers World, 28 September, 1995.

Economy and environment

Sierra Club charges World Bank with Environmental Violations
From People's Weekly World, 11 February, 1995. World Bank Responds to Sierra Club; Sierra Club Responds to World Bank.
Arun III Hydroelectric Project In Nepal: Another World Bank Debacle?
By Lori Udall, Washtington Director, International Rivers Network. 1 March, 1995.


Communists lead general strike
By G. Dunkel, in Workers World, 2 October, 1997. Strike issues included issue of Indian intervention into Nepal and an anti-terrorism law that can be used to ban any political party.


Gurkhas' sisters sold into AIDs hell of 'supermarket' brothels
By John Frederick, The Times, 26 January, 1997. Nepalese girls in the Bombay sex market.
Nepalese Abortion Law Faces Politician-Foe
By Aruna Uprety. 20 March, 1997. Abortion treated as homicide.

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