From Mon Jan 8 15:05:11 2001
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 22:42:05 -0600 (CST)
From: Michael Eisenscher <>
Subject: Racism of the Israeli Peace
Movement; Right to Return
Article: 112564
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
No return, no justice, no peace: Exposing the inherent racism of Zionist Israeli peace groups
Washington, DC (January 4, 2001) - The Palestine Right to Return Coalition (PRRC) upholds the inalienable right of Palestinian refugees to return home as an integral component of a just and viable peace. No agreement, negotiations or parties which purport to trade away the right of return or any other inalienable rights can have any legal basis and cannot bind or compel the Palestinian people to accept it.
PRRC strongly condemns the statement published in the Israeli
newspaper Ha'aretz (2 January 2001) by Peace Now
and other self
proclaimed Israeli peace camp
which calls for Palestinians to
abandon their inalienable right of return. The call by the so-called
Israeli peace
movement for the abrogation of the Palestinian
refugees' right to return home is a clear manifestation that racism
and exclusive formulation are in fact an integral part of most Israeli
organizations that uphold Zionism.
While such overt racism and dehumanization of the Palestinian people
cannot be as easily dismissed as the violations of right-wing
extremists like Ariel Sharon, it is equally oppressive of Palestinian
rights. These Zionist groups acknowledge the creation of Israel as the
instigator of the expulsion and dispossession of the Palestinian
people, but their proposed solution is to transfer the Palestinian
refugees to whatever land the Israeli administration allocates as the
Palestinian state. In the name of a Zionist-defined peace,
these groups support the racist and oppressive Israeli occupying power
in denying Palestinians their rightful ownership of the land from
which they were expelled. These peace
advocates call for a
positive conclusion
that maintains the formula of an exclusive
racist Jewish state.
The statement made by the so-called Israeli peace
exposes their racist position and represents the imbalance of power
that allows them to coopt and monopolize the term peace
define it within an oppressive and racist framework. Their paramount
concern for maintaining the demographic balance
and Jewish
is that of apartheid and contradicts international law
and moral imperatives, including countless United Nations resolutions
and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Strict adherence, de
facto and de jure, to international human rights law and international
law is the prerequisite for creating trust and strengthening security.
The right to return is an essential and inseparable part of the realization of the Palestinians to their right of self-determination, and is an essential condition for the effective guarantee and observance of individual human and collective rights. The perpetual existence of Palestinian refugees, despite the number, impedes the exercise of the Palestinian people's right to self-determination. That is, the right of self-determination is effectively terminated if the majority of the people concerned are unable to return to their homes from which they were either expelled or forced to flee.
Human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and
interrelated. The Palestinian human right to live freely is
interdependent for the Palestinian right to return. For the Israeli
movement to be what it professes, it is insufficient to
merely come to a historical realization of the injustices committed
against the Palestinian People, but it must also own up to its
responsibility for a struggle for justice that dares to include
Palestinian inalienable rights in their entirety.
PRRC strongly believes that the struggle for peace and justice must be democratic and reflect the Palestinians' desire and right to return. PRRC appeals to people of conscience and peace advocates to seize the opportunity now to help raise Palestinian voices that have been silenced for 52 years for a just and sustainable peace rooted in granting the Palestinian people their legitimate right to freedom and return.