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Sender: Southeast Asia Discussion List <SEASIA-L@LIST.MSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Islands, isles, atolls & sandbars in S. China Sea
Islands, isles, atolls & sandbars in S. China Sea
A dialog on Southeast Asia list November 1999
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.10.9911192319470.19425-100000@uhunix3>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 23:31:24 -1000
From: Vincent K Pollard <pollard@HAWAII.EDU>
In-Reply-To: <>
If Indonesia were to break up into four or five separate countries
over the next five or ten years, under what other circumstances would that
break-up likely have a large effect on maritime claims in the South China
One reason I ask is that many of the disputed claims are contested
not between two parties but between three, four or more governments.
Vincent K Pollard
Fax: + 808 956-6877 Phone: +808 734-9745/956-8141/944-7239
Message-ID: <>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 20:06:58 +1030
From: Kate Reid-Smith <rsands@CAPRI.NET.AU>
If Indonesia were to disintegrate into smaller countries, the maritime
geostrategic implications would be horrendous.
Given the recent UNCLOS
decision affording Indonesia archipelagic status as a nation (the other being
the Phillipines), and the associated determinations of the extent of the
Indonesian Archipelago, Indonesia's sovereign territory more than doubled
overnight, as did it's responsibilities under the International Maritime
Safety Code. Moreover, the UN has also adopted Indonesia's concept of
designating Archipelagic Sea Lanes (ASL) through which all global maritime
traffic must traverse - given that Indonesia is the maritime nexus for the
Pacific and Indian Oceans, and the South China Sea, of note are recent
agreements between China and Indonesia with
Indonesia resuming official ties with China in 1991, and since 1992, other
ASEAN countries have also taken more accommodating steps toward the Chinese
Moreover, despite Indonesian media releases reassuring its
commitment to peaceful and diplomatic negotiations over any maritime matters,
the prospect that so-called UNCLOS regional flashpoints might impinge on
international SLOC (sea lanes of communication) security, are gaining
increasing Western concern; especially when it appears Southeast Asian
nations such as Indonesia, were using their physical geography to gain
political advantage in light of the UNCLOS decision.
Especially in light of
what Australia and the US sees has China's evolving maritime hegemonic
strategy for the region, principally its "greenwater" (jinhai) strategy aimed
at the year 2000__defined as stretching from Vladivostok, and including the
Malacca Strait, up to Japan, the Philippines and the South China Sea. This is
further compounded by China's South China Sea policy stemming from the basic
premise that the Paracel and Spratly islands, as well as their adjacent
oceanic territories, historically and geographically belong to the Chinese
Mainland. In terms of further Western concerns, these are raised by some
analysts' predictions of China's further aim to be a "bluewater" (lanhai) navy
by 2020, possibly stretching downward toward Papua New Guinea, which presently
remains undefined.
Kate Reid-Smith