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Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 22:29:09 -0600 (CST)
From: "Marcelo Tafoya" <>
Subject: (GNNews) HIV and South Asia
Organization: ?
Article: 80957
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Drug Use and HIV in Asia
The Fifth International Congress on AIDS in Asia and
the Pacific, Session TCD03 Tuesday, 26 October, 1999
Despite the fact that drug use is driving the HIV/AIDS epidemic in many
Asian countries, it was still poorly addressed in the last national
HIV/AIDS plan of a few affected Asian countries, delegates heard today
at the session entitled "Mapping The Beat: Drug Use And HIV In Asia."
India, Malaysia, Myanmar and Nepal only gave "inadequate" attention to
the drug use issue in their AIDS plans, said Christian Kroll, a
consultant with UNAIDS and the WHO who gave a presentation on his study
entitled "Policies Related To Drug Use and HIV/AIDS In Asia."
Moreover, HIV/AIDS was not addressed in the national drug plan of
affected countries, such as China, Malaysia, Myanmar and Nepal. Indeed,
only Vietnam addressed the issue in its national drug plan.
Drug use lies behind the bulk of the HIV/AIDS epidemics in China,
Malaysia and Vietnam, accounting for a respective 69 per cent, 77 per
cent and 66 per cent of infections in these countries, estimates
indicate. These same countries, as well as Myanmar, have treatment
which is abstinence-oriented, said Kroll.
While it is not unlawful to carry syringes and needles in nearly all
countries, the police still arrest people for the possession of
injecting equipment in India, Malaysia, Myanmar and Nepal, Kroll said.
Only one affected country - Vietnam - has a needle and syringe exchange
available, (although India and Nepal have limited programmes).
In a country that promises a mandatory death penalty for drug
importation and trafficking, it is no surprise that harm reduction for
current drug users is a rather political topic. In this session, Palani
Narayanan of Malaysia gave a presentation entitled "Moving Harm
Reduction Forward."
Although there is plenty of evidence as to the effectiveness of needle
exchange from around the world, an understanding of this remains to be
reflected in national [Malaysian] policy. While projects such as IKHLAS
provide some peer support services in Kuala Lumpur, the 5,000 injecting
drug users reached are only a fraction of the estimated 400,000 users
in the country, and with minimal funding and other resources, programs
are often not sustainable.
Calling for policies that are based on research, not perceptions,
Narayanan said that struggling harm reduction programs are in need of
training assistance in a number of areas including public speaking,
working with the media and influencing policy, religion and culture.
Several delegates at the 5th ICAAP were very critical of government-run
rehabilitation centres in Malaysia where drug users receive mandatory
two-year sentences, but the issue of human rights abuses in relation to
the treatment of those being held inside was not one that made it onto
the official conference program.
Policy-makers are also currently against substitution therapy in all
countries except Thailand and Vietnam, although some, such as India and
Nepal, are considering it.
Kroll said a 1961 convention on narcotics, which calls for drugs only
to be used for certain purposes such as medical reasons, still
influenced many countries.
Other presentations heard at the session were also very interesting. In
the light of recent discussions between UNAIDS and UNDCP (United
Nations Drug Control Programme), the presentation from UNDCP's Wayne
Bezant drew special attention. Bezant admitted that enforcement
agencies need to have policies that acknowledge "special needs" and
should provide alternatives to conviction and imprisonment.
He also said national drug control policies should address HIV/AIDS and
the range of programmes available for drug users should be improved.
S.S. Lee discussed methadone treatment, particularly in Hong Kong. He
said the island's extensive number of methadone clinics had helped it
maintain a low HIV infection rate. He called for more studies on
methadone to be done in Asian countries.
Narayanan gave an impassioned speech on the treatment of drug users in
the region. He said that there was a need for research, as policies
were currently perception-based.
He also suggested that one way to move the harm reduction agenda
forward would be to include drug user issues in a number of related
areas, such as within PLWHA organisations, and on human rights and
religious agendas, both nationally and around the region.
SEA-AIDS Key Correspondent Team
The Fifth International Congress on AIDS in Asia and
the Pacific -- The Next Millennium: Taking Stock and
Moving Forward
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 23 - 27 October 1999
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- A posting from
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Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 14:15:46 -0700
From: "Rana Asghar" <>
Subject: Youth acts up with HIV/AIDS
Youth acts up with HIV/AIDS
It was encouraging to see many young faces showing up in the different
ICAAP sessions.
In the plenary session, Rody Lalmingmawii, a young women from Manipur,
India, recounted her story of being infected with HIV in early 1990
through sharing infected needles. Her touching story raised the
question: What can we do for the next generation?
Responses came from several sessions today, especially the sessions
closely related to youth, for example, "Community Response, Development
and Impact" and "Sexuality Education". Though sex is still a taboo in
most Asian communities and conducting sex education is always a tough
job, the presentations in the Sexuality Education session exhibited a
number of innovative and promising actions in different countries such
as China, Nepal, India, Indonesia and Vietnam. These included
school-based education, as well as educational activities in a youth
Coffee Shop in Vietnam presented by Vinh Dang'thi Nhat. Run for 4
years, this coffee shop has 36,000 visitors each year, the majority of
whom are students at high school or college. Although they did not
report the results of the evaluation (the results will be released
soon), their innovative activities are impressive.
The Chinese are always seen as the most conservative. Dr. Gao's report
on "AIDS/STD/Safer sex peer education for youth in Beijing and
Shanghai: an effective approach" aroused a lot of interest among the
The most impressive thing in this session was that so many people were
interested in the topic of youth. The venue was more than fully
occupied. Many sat on the floor of the aisles. Quite a lot of the
participants are young people from communities. When the forum opened
to discussion, more young people came up with questions and discussion.
They raise some questions from a unique perspective. For instance, a
young guy from Malaysia simply observed that religious leaders and
teachers do not want to tell the truth or impart information when they
are asked about sex how we can do? he asked.
Youth's involvement brings a fresh air and energy to the conference.
When we move to the next millennium, when we have to do some thing for
next generation, we have to work with youth. They are our hope.
SEA-AIDS Key Correspondent Team
The Fifth International Congress on AIDS in Asia and
the Pacific -- The Next Millennium: Taking Stock and
Moving Forward
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 23 - 27 October 1999
Web site: