The history of maquila labor in Nicaragua
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- Nicaragua labor situation
- Letter from Pedro Ortega Mendez, Secy. General of the
Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear Federation,
C.S.T., 2 June 1997. A call for international support for
the Nicaraguan workers& demand for the right to
organize unions in the Free Trade Zones. After a
protracted struggle, a union formed at Fortex achieved
legal recognition in December 1996. The signing of the
first Collective Bargaining agreement with a foreign
company in the Zone was seen as a major victory.
- 420 textile workers unpaid by private
- From 420 former workers of Velcas International in the
Free Trade Zone, 28 August 1997. Velcas International
started operations in the Free Trade Zone in 1991, but
soon went into receivership. The bank that ran the company
has not met its legal obligations to the workers.
- 18 months after the Kathie Lee Gifford
scandal, sweat shop conditions are worse than ever; top American
companies exposed
- Weekly News Update on the Americas, 22
November 1997. Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and JC Penney exposed in
Nicaraguan sweat shop investigation. Base wage is 15 cents
per hour; child workers as young as 15 work 13 hour days,
seven days a week. Workers allege verbal, physical and
sexual abuse by supervisors. Workers live in tin and stick
shacks with cardboard walls and dirt floors; housing
entire families in a space the size of two cubicles; as
many as five people are crammed into one bed.
- ‘Workers Committees’ Displace
- By Roberto Fonseca, IPS, 30 April 1998. The traditional
legally recognized FSLN-backed unions in Nicaragua's
EPAz, created in 1997 and generally affiliated with the
Sandinista Workers Central (CST) in the EPZs have
atrophied and lost their negotiating capacity. In their
place have arisen workers committees, promoted by a local
Maria Elena Cuadra women's movement, now represent
around 4,500 women, and emphasizes women's rights, a
code of ethics, and non-confrontattional negotiation
rather than strikes.
- Nicaraguan Maquila Workers Victorious in
Union Struggle
- Campaign for Labor Rights, Action Alerts, 8 August
1998. Workers in Fortex began their efforts to form a
union three years ago, as a response to the injustices and
exploitation in their workplace. In a factory with
frequent verbal abuse from supervisors, forced overtime,
and wages sometimes as low as 95 cents a day, workers
realized their only hope was to organize a union and stand
up to management. The story of a heroic struggle by a
group of women leaders, which bore fruit when on March 20
1998, a contract was signed.
- Support fired union leaders in
- Labor Alerts, 2 August 1999. Workers at the
Taiwanese-owned Chih Hsing factory in Nicaragua's Las
Mercedes Free Trade Zone have asked for international
support in their struggle to organize a union in the
factory. Workers are demanding the reinstatement of fired
union officers and recognition of their freedom to
- Serious violations of workers' rights
in Nicaragua's Export Processing Zones
- ICFTU Online..., 27 October 1999. Nicaragua
workers in multinational companies in the country's
export processing zones (EPZs) are being ill-treated,
physically harassed and sexually abused by
management. Anyone trying to form unions is likely to be
threatened, fired and blacklisted, says the new ICFTU
report published today to complement the World Trade
Organisation's report on Nicaragua's trade
- Union-busting at Jem III
- Labor Alerts, 12 January 2000. Nearly the
entire union leadership, almost every rank-and-file union
member and a number of union sympathizers fired by the Jem
III for participating in a strike. There are rumors that
management has prepared a blacklist of fired workers for
circulation throughout the free trade zone. JEM Sportswear
company, based in San Fernando, California, produces
clothing for Wal-Mart.
- Union-busting in Nicaragua's free trade
- Labor Alerts: a service of Campaign for Labor Rights, 3
February 2000. The Nicaraguan Labor Ministry, the new
management of Nicaragua's free trade zone and some
factory managers appear to be engaged in an effort to rid
the free trade zone of unions. Since January 17, mass
firings at the U.S.-owned Mil Colores jeans factory to
bust the union. Mil Colores produces Arizona Jeans (a JC
Penney brand), as well as the No Fear and High Sierra
- Crisis in Nicaragua
- Labour News Network (LNN), 25 April 2000. The factory
owners have the support of Nicaragua's Labor Ministry
and the free trade zone management in their blatant
union-busting. The hundreds of workers fired during the
union-busting attack were already hovering at or below the
subsistence level and now without a paycheck are in
desperate straits as they consider how they will feed
their families.
- Activists allege Kohl's, others
contract with sweatshops
- By Carie Antlfinger, Associated Press, 22 August
2000. Workers testify about conditions at the
American-owned Mil Colores plant and Tawainese-owned
Chentex. They supply Kohl's Department Stores with
cheap garments. The women workers are mistreated
physically and verbally. Kohl's pleads ignorance;
K-Mart says it is investigating. Chentex