The FSLN under President Aleman
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- Nicaragua: FSLN Calls for
- Weekly News Update on the Americas, 27 July
1997. Former president Daniel Ortega Saavedra, FSLN's
current general secretary, announced a five-point program
presented to right wing president Arnoldo Aleman Lacayo,
and he proposed a national referendum on the Sandinista
program. The Aleman government insists the proposal be
discussed at a
national dialogue
meeting set for
July 21; the FSLN, Nicaragua's largest political
party, is boycotting the dialogue, which it calls an
academic exercise.
- An open letter to the Committee in
Solidarity with the People of El Salvador and the Nicaragua
Solidarity Network
- From Dave Silver, 16 October 1997. An egalitarian
society cannot be built on a-historical and opportunist
thinking. The FMLN and the FSLN no longer represent a
national liberation movement and a revolutionary PROCESS
as it once did.
- Informaciones sobre el Congreso del Frente
Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional
- Boletin 17 de Nicaragua, Managua, 18 de mayo de 1998. El
FSLN esta en visperas de celebrar su II Congreso. Se trata
de una actividad en la que se elegiran nuevas autoridades
y deberian tomarse decisiones sobre la organizacion, la
definicion y el programa del partido.
- FSLN and government reach accord on
- Nicaragua Network Hotline, 8 September 1997. Work on the
agreement began on January 13, only three days after
Arnoldo Aleman was inaugurated as president. The draft
legislation, reached by consensus between legal
commissions of the two parties, is being called the
Reforming Urban, Rural and Agricultural Property,
will now be presented to the participants in the
government-sponsored National Dialogue.