The presidental election in Nicaragua, 20 October 1996
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- The Return of Somocismo? The Rise of
Arnoldo Aleman
- By Mark Caster, NACLA Report on the Americas, Sept/Oct
1996. Former President Daniel Ortega's evaluation of
consequences were Aleman to win. Here a more dispassionate
- Right wing tries to rig Nicaraguan
- By Stephen Marks, Green Left Weekly, 20
October 1996. Nicaragua's recent elections have been
marred by scandal, chaos and accusations of fraud which
have called into question the apparent victory, 49% to
38%, of the right-wing candidate, Arnoldo Aleman, over
Sandinista, Daniel Ortega.
- Nicaraguan Elections Update
- From Casa Canadiense, 22 October 1996. Daniel Ortega
calls into question the results of the elections. In the
1990 elections, the FSLN had no reservations in accepting
the results but that this time, there were a series of
anomalies found especially in the information given in the
telegrams that carried the results from each of the voting
- Nicaraguan Election: Apparent Victory by
Liberal-Conservative Alliance
- By Toby Mailman, via NY Transfer News Collective, 23
October 1996. Outside estimate of election's fairness,
but internal questioning of irregularities. Analysis of
Aleman's likely victory.
- Maquiladoras in Nicaragua's
- Weekly News Update on the Americas, 27 October
1996. Evaluation of election outcome. Many upperclass
Nicaraguan rightists have a low opinion of the populist
Aleman, but he has benefited from a powerful political and
financial ally in the person of Jorge Mas Canosa, field
commander of the anti-Castro forces in Miami, and owner of
SINTEL communications, bidding on telco privatization in
- Daniel asks for recount, other parties
- From El Nuevo Diario (Managua), 22 October
1996. Daniel Ortega Saavreda, presidential candidate for
the FSLN, said he does not recognize the preliminary
results emited by the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) on
the results of the October 20 elections because they are
full of anomolies.
- Political Parties Suffer Post-Election
- By Toby Mailman, 20 November 1996. Only days short of
the announcement of the official results of the October 20
elections here, the alliance which has virtually won has
already begun to unravel. The Nationalist Liberal Party
(PLN) ordered its two representatives to the Political
Coordination of the presumed president-elect Arnoldo
Aleman's Liberal Alliance to remove themselves from
that body.
- Some reflections on the elections
- By Gen. Humberto Ortega, 26 November 1996. The General
ran the FSLN election and here evaluates it in historical
context and Aleman's legitimacy.
- Assembly Asks for CSE Resignation; Deputies
are Criticized for ‘Pinata’
- By Toby Mailman, via NY Transfer News Collective, 27
November 1996. In the aftermath of the October 20
elections here, the Nicaraguan National Assembly is
calling for the destitution of the entire membership of
the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE), the agency charged
with organizing and carrying out elections.