The history of telecommunications workers in El Salvador
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Izote: Report from El Salvador, 28 January
1995. Privatization is going to bring about massive
lay-offs in all of the affected governmental
organizations. Faced with the threat by the
U.S. government to cut back economic aid, various labor
groups announced their opposition to the new economic
measures and privatization. The first to protest were the
workers of ANTEL.
From CISPES Action Alert, 8 September
1995. Workers will strike to demand the rehiring of
unjustifiably fired workers, the resignation of the phone
company president and to win consideration of a worker
proposal that would substitute the government plan for
privatization with a true plan of modernization.
CISPES Action Alert, 11 September
1995. Privatization of ANTEL and fired workers. President
speaks of negotiation, but PNC riot police have already
taken over sites struck by ASTTEL.
By Salvadoran Association of Telecommunications Workers
(ASTTEL). Report on the September strike. Government
degree of 471 to get rid of state workers actually a cover
for breaking the union. Privatization, etc.