Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 13:38:41 -0500
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Item number 9277, dated 96/09/19 23:41:24—ALL
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 23:41:24 GMT
Sender: Activists Mailing List <ACTIV-L@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU>
From: SAIIC <>
Subject: Panama Urgent Action: Ngobe-Bugle under threat of mining
For the fourth time the government of Panama is trying to commercially exploit the traditional habitat of the Ngobe-Bugle by developing the mining industry in their area. Every time, the government ignores historical petitions offered by the Ngobe-Bugle to protest against these hostile acts.
The Ngobe-Bugle people, who live in the frontier region with Colombia, have been fighting for 22 years to get a territoral law (ley de la Comarca) that would recognize their territorial integrity.
The government has granted the concession to the Canadian company Panacobre (part of Tiomin Resources Inc.) to exploit the Cerro Colorado. It will have devastating consecuences for the environment.
It is therefore necessary that the contract, granted to Panacobre and other side contracts, not be honored.
We urge you to send protest letters to the following people. A sample letter follows.
Dr. Ernesto Perez Balladares
President of Panama
Panama 2, Panama
Fax (507) 227-0073
Nitzia de Villareal
Minister of Commerce and Industry
Apdo. Postal 9658, Zona 4
Fax (507) 227-5604
Dear Sir:
For the fourth time the government of Panama is trying to commercially exploit the traditional habitat of the Ngobe-Bugle by developing the mining industry.
It is necessary to recognize the territorial law (ley Comarca), giving them their territorial integrity.
To grant mining concessions means a severe attack upon the conservation of indigenous territories. It is a violation of the fundamental principles of both the Panamanian constition and of ILO Convention 107, article 11, signed by Panama.
I therefore ask you to annul Mining Exploitation Contract no.32, between the Panamanian government and Panacobre.This contract will have devastating consecuences on the environment and the traditional inhabitants, the Ngobe-Bugle.
Yours respectfully,