Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 13:31:25 -0700
Sender: Activists Mailing List <>
Subject: 6 Mexican Union Organizers Fired
Written 8:18 AM Apr 6, 1995 by labornotes in igc:reg.mexico
"6 Mexican Union Organizers Fired"

Cleveland based company fires six Mexican union organizers

From Labor Notes, 6 April, 1995

In the last two weeks, Industrias Kirkwood in Mexico City (a U.S. owned auto parts company) fired six union leaders for organizing a protest and presenting these demands to management:

Kirkwood's 250 workers in Mexico City have been let down by two government-dominated union federations. They want to be represented by STIMAHCS, a metalworkers union affiliated with the only independent, democratic labor federation in Mexico, the Authentic Labor Front (FAT) who has been the leader for these basic demands.

The company with the help of one of the old corrupt unions tried to pressure four members of the democratically elected shop committee to voluntarily resign and accept severance pay--signing away their rights under Mexican law. The four refused. They were fired. Two others were later fired. Then the company hired thirty workers from one of the official unions to provoke and intimidate the workers.

Please fax or immediately call Kirkwood's President and CEO Richard W. Klynn in the U.S. and demand that he:

Call Kirkwood Industries President and CEO today and express your outrage! We hear that the CEOs are currently in the plant, so speed is important!

TEL 216-267-6200
FAX 216-362-3804

For more detailed information about the firings, contact Chris Townsend, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers Union (UE) at 703-684-3123 or Robin Alexander at 412-471-8919 or Bob Nicklas at the Teamsters at 202-624-8741.