From Wed Aug 23 11:08:14 2000 Bush Campaign To Return Blacks For RefundFrom 2000 AbsoluteIdeas, 12 August 2000Ontario, CA -- Saying "we only used them once", the Bush campaign today tried to return the blacks they purchased for their Republican National Convention in Philadelphia for a full refund. The blacks, who could be seen on the convention podium looking confused and bewildered, were hired by Republicans to make the party look more "inclusive". With their job now completed, the Republican Party hopes to get back the money spent on the blacks and devote it towards other campaign needs. These blacks done good, real good", exclaimed an ebullient George W. Bush, "and I'm sure they'll do just as good when they go back to wherever it was they came from." Experts say the Republicans will have a hard time returning the blacks, however, due to the fact that they have since lost their receipt. Copyright (c) 2000 AbsoluteIdeas. All Rights Reserved. BRC-ANNOUNCE: Black Radical Congress - General Announcements/Alerts Unsubscribe: <> Subscribe: <> Digest: <> Help: < |