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From Mon Oct 9 21:34:17 2000
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 15:14:32 -0500 (CDT)
From: Michael Eisenscher <>
Subject: [BRC-NEWS] A Green Perspective on Ralph Nader
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A Green Perspective on Ralph Nader
And Independent Political Action
By Howie Hawkins <>
8 October 2000
In his stump speeches, Nader rails against a litany of
abuses, linked to concentrated corporate power: corporate-
managed trade and investment, corporate welfare, military
bloat alongside cutbacks in public services and infra-
structure, private appropriation of the common wealth of
public lands and airwaves, environmental destruction,
stupefying corporate media. He reels off alternatives,
linking them all to a common theme of "deep democracy:"
consumer and labor unions to counter corporate power,
anti-trust enforcement, cooperatives, public enterprise,
progressive and ecological tax reform, renewable energy,
single-payer health care.
Nader is sometimes criticized for neglecting social issues
like racial justice, gay liberation, and reproductive rights,
or trying to subsume them under questions of class and
corporate power. While sticking to a basic anti-corporate,
pro-democracy message, the Nader campaign is well aware of
these criticisms. Nader will run on the Green Platform and
its support for affirmative action, gay rights, and choice.
But the campaign is also making an effort to target messages
to particular constituencies. For example, Nader did an
interview for a magazine oriented to the HIV/AIDS community,
calling for price constraints on AIDS drugs, an end to
monopolies on drugs to bring prices down, and "If there's
any opposition by the drug companies to this, government
should say to them, 'If you're going to engage in profiteering,
we'll make them ourselves -- and more cheaply than you.'"
"The U.S. could build a plant in Africa and for $300 million
supply [AIDS drugs for] the whole continent," added Nader,
whose Consumer Project on Technology has been a vital source
of expertise for the AIDS Drugs for Africa campaign. Asked
about the Vermont Supreme Court's decision upholding same-
sex marriages, Nader said it "was right, a humane and
touching decision with a very searching rationale -- it's
not only a matter of affinity, but of economics on health
care and other issues, which makes it all the more needed."1
Blue-Green Coalition
DAY to lay out his program for labor law reforms: triple
back pay to illegally locked-out workers, binding
arbitration at union request when employers refuse to
bargain, unemployment compensation for strikers, a ban
on replacement workers, card-check recognition of unions,
restoring the right of strikers to picket any place that
does business with a struck employer, repeal of the Taft-
Hartley Act. Campaign staff had originally scheduled an
editorial board meeting with the area's largest circulation
newspaper, the Detroit Free Press, a scab newspaper whose
union workers are in their 58th month on strike against the
Free Press and Detroit News. But once local labor activists
objected, Nader cancelled the Free Press meeting and spoke
to a labor rally that included many of the strikers. He also
spoke on trade issues to a meeting of leaders of the United
Auto Workers union, which has opposed the AFL-CIO endorsement
of Gore, largely over trade issues.
Nader is no stranger to the labor movement, having
been active in the movements to democratize and clean-up
the Teamsters and Mine Workers unions and to pass the
Occupational Safety and Health Act. Nader's ally in the
latter movement, Tony Mazzochi, National Organizer of the
Labor Party, will be one of the featured speakers at the
Green Party convention in Denver, June 24-25. Building a
Blue-Green coalition of blue collar workers and
environmentalists is one of the constant themes
in Nader's campaign.
Nader intends to leave a permanent institution in the
wake of his campaign, a political party for the people
that can take on the corporate oligarchy and its political
representatives in the Democratic and Republican parties.
The campaign has several benchmarks by which to measure
success short of winning the office. One is 5% of the
national vote which will qualify the Green Party for two
streams of public funding in 2004, at least $2 million for
its national convention and at least $10 million for its
presidential campaign. If the Nader vote is on this scale,
the Green Party will increase its number of states with
permanent ballot status from the current 12 to over 40, thus
giving independent progressives and radicals ready access to
the ballot in future elections and the ability to change the
range and tenor of political debate across the country.
Saying he wants to see the Green Party expand ten-fold by
every measure in this election, Nader is urging people to
join and participate in the Green Party. He has repeatedly
stated, in Labor Party as well as Green Party forums, that
it will take 1 million people giving an average of $100 a
year and 100 hours of volunteer time to have a third major
party that represents the common people rather than the
corporate rich. Nader campaign events are "hour raisers" as
well as fund raisers where people pledge volunteer hours as
well as monetary contributions.
The corporate media mostly ignored Nader in March and April.
But pollsters began including Nader and the initial results
showed the goals of the campaign were feasible. A March 30
Reuters/Zogby poll had Nader at 5.3%, more than the 3.3%
received by Buchanan, who had had a year of media coverage
for his campaign. Nader's 5.3% was considerably more than
the margin of difference between Bush at 41.7% and Gore at
40.2%. Zogby polled again and reported on April 10 that
Nader was up to 5.7%, including 13% in "western states" and
9% in California. Zogby's poll also showed that 51% wanted
Nader in the presidential debates and 18.6% would
"potentially vote for Nader."
Interviewed on MSNBC on April 11 by Brian Williams, pollster
John Zogby said he was amazed at Nader's numbers with almost
no media coverage. A few days later, Jeff Cohen's April 16
column in the Baltimore Sun, "Nader Has the Numbers But
Buchanan Has the Limelight," noted how the corporate media
still spoke of a three-way race. Although Nader and his
associates had been at the center of organizing against
corporate-managed trade and global financial exploitation
in Seattle and Washington DC, it was Buchanan who was
getting most of the corporate media time in Seattle
and then Washington to explain the anti-globalization
In April, private polling reportedly had Nader at near 10%
in New York.2 Another poll released April 26 by University
of Cincinnati researchers found that among Ohio voters,
Nader's net favorability was 24 percent, beating Bush at 22
percent, Gore at negative 3 percent and Buchanan at negative
36 percent. Net favorability is the percent giving a
candidate a favorable rating minus the percent giving
an unfavorable rating.
As the experiences of the Ross Perot and Jesse Ventura
campaigns indicate, getting into the presidential debates
with Bush and Gore will be key to Nader's media presence
and ability to reach millions of voters with his message.
The Presidential Debates Commission, a semi-official body
controlled by the Democrats and Republicans, has set an
exclusionary standard of an average of 15% support in five
major polls chosen by the Commission in order to be included
in their debates. The Nader campaign is pursuing a range of
strategies to open up the debates, from litigation and
alternative debates sponsored by major civic or media
organizations that Bush and Gore cannot afford to ignore,
to mass protests at exclusionary debate sites.
The Lesser Evil: How Much Evil Is Too Evil?
an independent progressive presidential run than Americans
have seen in generations. It has the potential to gain a
secure foothold in the electoral arena for an independent
left. Yet many progressives still subscribe to the dubious
proposition that it is better to support Democrats as the
"lesser evil" than independent progressives "who can't win."
With the labor, liberal, civil rights, environmental, and
peace movements under spell of this approach for decades,
the political spectrum has marched ever rightward, election
after election. There comes a point, however, when
progressives who continue to support the lesser evil must
ask themselves, "How much evil am I willing to support?"
Al Gore may be the Democratic candidate who forces this
question on the traditional popular constituencies of the
Democrats. It is hard to find any redeeming liberal or
progressive legacy in the Clinton/Gore record. During a
period of income and wealth polarization not seen since
the 1920s, the Clinton administration, in 1996, with Gore
leading the charge at Cabinet meetings, decided to "reform"
welfare by repealing the federal government's commitment to
income assistance to poor mothers and their children, and
imposing a five-year lifetime limit on benefits. Their
support for the Telecommunications bill facilitated the
consolidation of corporate monopolization of the media.
Their support for the Financial Services Modernization
Act repealed the Glass-Steagall barrier between commercial
and investment banking, enabling financial capital to put
people's savings at risk in speculative investments. They
have toyed with partial privatization of Social Security
that would allow the speculative investment of Social
Security funds in the stock market. The big investors in
Mexican, Russian, and Asian financial crises were bailed
out with cash from U.S. taxpayers and from U.S.-backed IMF
structural adjustment policies that squeezed even more out
of the workers and peasants of these exploited countries.
Anemic anti-trust enforcement helped fuel the biggest merger
wave in history. Corporate managed trade was codified in the
North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade
Militarism ran amok despite the end of the Cold War. U.S.
military spending increased. A million Iraqis died from
sanctions, with over 4,000 Iraqi children a month still
dying. Just in 1999, they bombed Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq,
and Yugoslavia. Clinton/Gore supported counterinsurgency
wars in several other countries, most notably Columbia
and Mexico. They expanded NATO and transformed its stated
mission from strictly defensive to "out of area"
interventionist. They even revived funding for
Reagan's fantasy of "Star Wars" missile defense.
They also militarized domestic policy by expanding police
and prison funding, pushing the "war on drugs," and passing
Crime and Terrorism bills that stiffened penalties to fill
the new prisons, added 50 new death penalties, targeted youth,
and eroded due process rights. The U.S. has surpassed Russia
now having the highest incarceration rate in the world, with
2 million prisoners, 25% of all prisoners in the world.
Gore's strong suit is supposed to be the environment.
Indeed, Clinton, who has little interest in environmental
issues, let Gore take the lead on the administration's
appointments and policies. The record is atrocious. After
breaking Gore's 1992 campaign promise to stop a hazardous
waste incinerator planned for East Liverpool, Ohio, the
administration lined up with corporate polluters against
environmentalists on issue after issue: genetically-modified
organisms and food, subsidies for nuclear power, organic
food standards, ozone-depleting chemicals, greenhouse
gases, fuel efficiency standards, wetlands protection,
the Everglades, the Redwoods, logging on public lands, oil
development in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. Gore's former
Senate staffers dominated the environmental appointments of
the administration. Environmental activists were calling
for the replacement of traditional "pollution control"
that regulates the release of pollutants with "pollution
prevention," which would phase out toxics by sunsetting
technologies that use or produce toxics as products or by-
products. But Gore's environmental appointees took the
corporate environmental approach of "reforming" pollution
control by replacing government bureaucracy with the market.
So Gore's environmental legacy is tradeable pollution rights,
which tend to shift the burden of pollution from rich to
poor communities and countries, and prolong the lives of the
most polluting facilities because it is usually far cheaper
to buy rights to pollute than to retrofit them with cleaner
The signature approach of the Clinton/Gore administration
has been Fake Left and Go Right: symbolism for the Left
and substance for the Right. The administration's answer
to racism is to highlight appointments for show, but to
implement deeply conservative policies in practice that
reinforce the racial and class hierarchy. However, Gore will
quickly drop the symbolism of racial justice when it suits
his political agenda. It was Al Gore, not the elder George
Bush, who first raised the race-baiting specter of Willie
Horton in 1988 while campaigning against Michael Dukakis
and Jesse Jackson for the Super Tuesday primaries in the
South. Willie Horton was used by Gore and then Bush to push
a racially-biased, law-and-order agenda that was subsequently
adopted. 12 years later, the U.S. prison population has
tripled. U.S. rates of incarceration are now higher than
they were in South Africa under the regime of apartheid
and similarly racist. 70% of those arrested are white,
but blacks account for more than 50% of those imprisoned.
One-third of black men aged 20-29 are in jail, prison, on
probation or parole.
The Clinton/Gore administration simply had no civil rights
agenda, according to Lani Guinier,3 who was dropped by
Clinton and Gore as the appointee to head up the civil
rights division at the Justice Department when the Wall
Street Journal dubbed her the "Quota Queen" because she had
argued that proportional representation was a better means
of representing ethnic and political minorities than gerry-
mandering majority-minority districts. Gore went to the mat
for the drug companies against South Africa when it started
to make generic AIDS drugs to address the AIDS crisis in
Africa. Currently Gore is defying demands by environmental
and human rights groups that he use his family's longstanding
ties and $500,000 holdings in Occidental Petroleum to stop
oil drilling in Colombia on U'wa Indian lands, which is
being conducted under the cover of Colombian military arms
that has resulted in the deaths of a number of protesting
U'wa people.
Court appointments are often the last line of defense
for proponents of the lesser evil. But the Clinton-Gore
administration has been as conservative as the Reagan and
Bush administrations in their appointments. They simply
avoided the political controversy of appointing liberal
jurists. By mid-1996, 182 of 187 Clinton-Gore judicial
nominees were confirmed without any Senate Republicans
voting against confirmation. An analysis of 28,000 federal
court decisions found that on civil liberties issues,
Clinton appointees issued liberal decisions only 35% of the
time, compared to 52% for Carter appointees, 39% for Ford
appointees, 37% for Nixon appointees and 33% for Reagan-Bush
appointees. On labor and economic issues, Clinton's appointees
issued liberal decisions 50% of the time, the same as for
Reagan appointees. The Democrats will raise the specter of
anti-abortion appointees but the pro-choice majority on the
Supreme Court and the pro-choice majority of moderate
Democrats and Republicans in the Senate are likely to
hold in the next presidential term.4
Gore is not just a particularly bad Democrat. He is
the logical result of lesser evilism. Not only has the
Clinton-Gore administration implemented a conservative
corporate agenda that Reagan and Bush could only dream
about, but the potential liberal challengers to Gore
like Jesse Jackson and Paul Wellstone never even mounted a
challenge. Bill Bradley, the consummate centrist who, in the
last election cycle, considered a run for the nomination in
Perot's Reform Party, ended up as the standard bearer of the
"left" in the Democratic Party. That is the result of settling
for "the lesser evil," election after election. The left has
lost its voice inside the Democratic Party because it tries
to speak through surrogates, the more liberal corporate
candidates. Over time, the left withers because it is
not presenting its program to the public. The trade unions,
civil rights groups, and peace and environmental groups that
orient to the Democratic Party are the subordinate partners
in coalition with the corporate forces that dominate the
Democratic Party. They end up doing the leg work for the
corporate agenda and giving it a liberal facade.
Populists, Socialists, and Independent Politics
POLITICAL ACTION. When the workers formed their own party
and established their political class independence, it was
considered the first step in building a socialist movement
based in the working class, a social force with the potential
size, weight, and power to effect fundamental change.
Nader and the Green Party are not a strictly workers' party.
In outlook and composition, they are a cross-class coalition
of "the people," the working class and the middle classes of
self-employed professionals and small and medium business
people, all allied against the corporate elite. In this
respect, they are very much like the 19th century agrarian
populists and their contemporary labor movements who saw
themselves as representing the productive classes --
independent farmers, sharecroppers, urban workers, small
shopkeepers -- against the parasitic class of owners of
bank, railroad, and farm supply corporations. So how should
socialists relate to the Green movement? Is class independence
from the ruling class sufficient, or must it be a strictly
worker's party?
Some socialists look at Nader and the Greens and find them
wanting programmatically. The Socialist Party, for example,
is running Dave McReynolds for President, who has often
stated that the Socialists agree with the Greens on just
about everything but socializing the Fortune 500. The
McReynolds campaign expects to be on the ballot in about a
dozen states. It will be doing good to receive 50,000 votes.
The Nader campaign expects to be on the ballot in close to
50 states and is aiming for at least 6 million votes to
reach the 5% benchmark. The question for socialists is
whether it is more effective to be active in a very small
educational campaign with a better platform or in a high-
profile campaign with an imperfect platform that has the
potential to break up the Democratic Party coalition and
establish a major independent party on the left.
Many socialists have argued that political independence from
the capitalist parties is the key consideration and that the
program can be perfected as the movement develops. Commenting
in 1886 on the United Labor Party campaign of the land value
taxation advocate, Henry George, for New York City mayor,
Engels said,
"The first great step of importance for every country
entering into the movement is always for the organization
of the workers as an independent political party, no matter
how, so long as it is a distinct workers' party. That the
first program of the party is confused and highly deficient,
that it has set up the banner of Henry George, these are
inevitable evils but also transitory ones."5
Elsewhere, and in the same vein, Engels advised:
"What the Germans ought to do the words of The
Communist Manifesto, to represent the movement of the future
in the movement of the present. But above all give the
movement time to consolidate, do not make the inevitable
confusion of the first start worse confounded by forcing
down people's throats things which at present they cannot
properly understand, but which they soon will learn. A
million or two of workingmen's votes next November for a
bona fide workingmen's party is worth infinitely more at
present than a hundred thousand votes for a doctrinally
perfect platform."6
The Socialist Party's Eugene Debs took a similar approach to
the Farmer-Labor Party movement of the early 1920s, arguing
that socialists should work within the broader independent
political movement:
"If a genuine labor party is organized at Chicago I
shall not expect the platform to go to the limit of radical
demands but shall be satisfied with a reasonable statement
of labor's rights and interests as well as its duties and
responsibilities, doubting not that with the progress of the
party its platform will in due time embrace every essential
feature of the working class program for deliverance from
industrial servitude. The Socialist Party can, should, and
I have no doubt will join such a party wholeheartedly,
becoming an integral part of its structure, reserving,
however, its autonomy unimpaired and using all its
powers and functions in building up, equipping,
promoting, and directing the general party."7
Ralph Nader is not the perfect candidate from a socialist
viewpoint. His affinity for anti-trust enforcement and
competitive markets seems blind to the nasty consequences
for labor and the environment of cutthroat competition. But
neither does he subscribe to the dogma about free markets
and private enterprise that major party politicians ritual-
istically recite. He has an equal affinity for cooperatives
and supports public enterprise when it seems a practical
solution. He is a pragmatic reformer. The rumors about
funding for Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch from
right-wing protectionist textile manufacturer, Roger
Milliken, have been flatly denied by its director,
Lori Wallich.8
The Greens have their socialist wing. Joel Kovel challenged
Nader in the New York and California Green primaries, running
on an explicitly eco-socialist program. Though Nader won
handily, his viability as a national candidate rather than
programmatic issues was the reason. The debate within the
Greens over the economic program between progressive
populists and eco-socialists is ongoing and basically the
same debate going on within the socialist movement between
market and non-market visions of socialism.9 More socialists
should join this wide open debate where socialist options
are being debated by a living movement and not just in theory.
How can the Greens' commitment to social justice be reconciled
with the exploitation of labor? How can the Greens' commitment
to ecological sustainability be reconciled with the endless
growth engendered by competitive private accumulation?
Capitalism cannot win this argument unless the Greens
abandon their values.
The Greens have not resolved their organizational
differences. The Greens/Green Party USA (GPUSA) and the
Association of State Green Parties (ASGP) did have direct
negotiations in April for the first time, but made no
progress over the main issue of contention between GPUSA's
model of a membership party with nomination by convention
and ASGP's traditional American party model based on party
registrants and nomination by primary. But both groups have
lined up behind the Nader campaign.
With the potential to surpass the Debs' 6% vote in 1912,
the Nader campaign and the Greens have become a movement
in which socialists can practice what they preach about
independent politics. Socialists will be more effective
arguing their perspectives from inside than preaching at
it from outside.
HOWIE HAWKINS is a Green Party activist in Syracuse, N.Y.
1. Doug Ireland, "President Nader!", POZ, May 2000.
2. Bill Bradley, "Greening?", New West Notes, April 21,
3. Lani Guinier, Lift Every Voice (New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1998).
4. John Nichols, "The Clinton Courts: Liberals Need Not
Apply," The Progressive, September 1996.
5. Engels to Sorge, Nov. 29, 1886.
6. Engels to Wischnewetsky, December 28, 1886.
7. Eugene V. Debs, "The American Labor Party," Socialist
World, January 1925.
8. The most recent allegation of Milliken funding for
Nader work on trade was Ryan Lizza, "Silent Partner," The New
Republic, January 10, 2000). Wallich's denial is in "Lori's
War," Foreign Affairs, Spring 2000. Chip Berlet, a researcher
and writer on right-wing movements, who has been cited as a
source for Milliken's funding of Nader projects, told Walter
Contreras Sheasby that he has no evidence of any such funding.
Sheasby, who has been investigating the attacks on Nader, says
"In 1996 many rumors about Nader's funding were spread by
Robert Bartley, the publisher of the Wall Street Journal,
who has a visceral hatred of Nader and his progressive
organizations." Sheasby, "Critical Support for Nader,
Without Left Paranoia and Disinformation," April 28,
9. A popular progressive populist book in Green circles is
David Korten, The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism
(San Francisco: Berrett- Koehler Publishers; West Hartford:
Kumarian Press, 1999). It argues for local worker/community
"stakeholder" ownership within free markets as opposed to
absentee ownership by finance capital. Eco-socialists and
progressive populists debate economics in Synthesis/
Regeneration: A Magazine of Green Social Thought,
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