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From Thu Nov 2 19:58:35 2000
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 23:03:49 -0600 (CST)
From: Mark Graffis <>
Subject: A closer look at GW Bush
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Article: 108216
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A closer look at GW Bush
By Mark Graffis <>, 1 November 2000
If you look at George W. Bush's and Al Gore's resumes as one would when
considering someone for a very high level office, you will find that Al
Gore is 100 times more qualified with 24 years experience in the Congress
of the United States.(Tennessee elected Gore to the House of
Representatives, Senate and as Vice President since 1976) George W. has
held 1 and 1/2 terms as governor of Texas. Since the legislature of Texas
only meets 4 months out of every two years, that would mean that George W.
Bush has no more than 12 months experience if that much. Besides that,
the office of the governor of Texas is a very constitutionally weak
Before becoming the governor of Texas, Bush never held any kind of
political or public office. He is not even a lawyer. On the other hand
he has only cruised through life on his father's infamous name.
While Bush, Sr. was president, Bush, Jr. 's oil company received a
contract to drill off the coast of Bahrain even though that company had
never drilled outside of the US nor had they ever drilled off shore.
( Six months
later, Bush sold his stock for an enormous profit without informing the
SEC and the company since went belly up. He has violated SEC laws four
times in all. (Bush Violated Security Laws
Four Times, SEC Report Says By Knut Royce for the Center Public Integrity
Washington, Oct. 4- (Copy of
actual report requires adobe acrobat reader --
Around the same time, he was asked to go in on the purchase of the Texas
Rangers and after milking the citizens of Arlington, TX for a stadium,
Bush sold out for another enormous profit. (How George W. Bush Scored Big
With the Texas Rangers By Charles Lewis and the Center for Public
Integrity Washington, Jan. 18
Bush has a record of not following through with his commitments. After
having the privilege of using his father's name to get into the Air
National Guard during the Vietnam War and jumping over 200 names and after
having the privilege to be trained as a pilot even though he scored only
25% on the entrance exam and after being made 2nd and then 1st Lieutenant
without going to officer's school, George W. Bush went AWOL and blew off
his last two years of service to his country. (Arizona Daily Star:
Paul Begala on Meet the Press,
October 8, 2000. Margaret Carlson in Time,7243,57689,00.html ) He was
suspended from flying because he refused to take his flight physical which
is mandatory when the armed services first began testing for alcohol and
drugs.( Update: Governor Bush's Military Record, October 12,
2000 ) (Oct.31, 2000 --
These are acts of a ne'er do well riding on his father's coattails -- not
of a man who has worked hard for what he has or worked hard for where he
As governor he diverted federal funds of the Children Health Insurance
Program to give oil companies a tax credit and he has left 1.4 million
children in Texas without health insurance in Texas. (Judge: Texas
Medicaid Fails ChildrenUpdated 9:14 AM ET August 31, 2000 By CONNIE MABIN,
Associated Press Writer ) He is
the governor of one of the largest states which is also the most polluted.
(Texas Said To Be Worst Air Polluter -- Associated Press- Oct 16 11:36 PM
ET) )
He did not support the patients' rights bill in Texas even though he
claims to have done so. Already as candidate for the presidency, Bush has
Cherdomyrdon threatening to sue him because he accused him of stealing IMF
money (Russia's Chernomyrdin Threatens to Sue Bush -- )
and he has NATO on shaky ground by saying in no uncertain terms that he
would pull out of the Balkans right after we were all able to witness the
most profound act of the brave people there reclaiming their government.
(New York Times: Europeans Say Bush's Pledge to Pull Out of Balkans Could
Split NATO )