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Migrant labor in the U.S.
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- [Letter writing campaign to end an abuse of
migrant farmworkers’ rights]
- From the Institute for Southern Studies, 22 February
2000. The Institute For Southern Studies campaign to end
an abuse of migrant farmworkers’ rights, especially
the unfettered right of farmworkers to invite guests of
their choice (including legal and health professionals)
into their homes.
- Texas rural leaders support migrant worker
program to aid farms
- By Lisa Falkenberg, AP, San Francisco
Chronicle, Wednesday 31 January 2001. Texas
Agriculture Commissioner and a host of rural Texas state
legislators support a move to invite Mexicans across the
border to do the farm work Texans won’t
do. Opponents say agriculture guest worker programs
exploit workers.
- Fear and Poverty Sicken Many Migrant
Workers in U.S.
- By Steven Greenhouse, New York Times, 13
May 2001. While federal clinics for migrants are supposed
to serve all indigent farm workers, illegal immigrants
shun them because they do not qualify for state Medicaid
coverage and fear discovery of their illegal status.