The recent death of eight Mexican track workers who were crushed beneath the wheels of an express train on the New York Central Railroad at Amsterdam, N.Y. brings to light the brutal methods employed by U.S. capitalism in the exploitation of foreign labor.
None of the eight workers could understand English. They were put to
work on a two-track system which they did not understand. There was no
foreman present and no watchers had been posted to warn of oncoming
trains. No interpreter had been assigned to the gang. An investigation
followed the accident.
A charge of criminal negligence was
considered, but the coroner, John W. Morris, issued a statement saying
that the evidence found was carelessness!
These eight workers were part of a contingent of 60,000 track workers
and 40,000 farmhands sent to work in the U.S. as the result of a deal
between the U.S. Department of Labor and the Mexican
government. Another 35,000 men will be sent in batches,
according to a report issued by officials in Mexico City who added,
This total of 150,000 Mexican workers will be returned to their
homes as soon as the labor shortage in the United States is relieved
by returning soldiers.
These Mexican workers, recruited by promises of high wages and good living and working conditions, are forced to do the most difficult and dangerous work without protection of either union organization or State and Federal laws covering the conditions of labor.
Truly capitalism squeezes every ounce of value
out of these
exploited workers from South of the Border. What a glorious day of
reckoning will come when the workers and poor farmers of Mexico and
the United States join in solidarity for united struggle against