From Tue Mar 21 11:55:07 2000
NOTE: CNN briefly "reported" last night that the
search for our bro. is now nationwide.
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 21:01:27 -0500 (EST) Police To Widen Search for Former SNCC Leader. Authorities claim friends of Al-Amin may be harboring himPan-African News Wire, Weekly Dispatch III, Saturday 18 March 2000DETROIT, 18 March (PANW)--Police officials in Georgia have made a recent announcement that could portend much for activists and associates of veteran organizer and Muslim Imam, Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin. Capt. David Chadd, the main spokesperson for the Fulton County Sheriff's Department, contends that it is a "distinct possibility" that Al-Amin was being sheltered by friends and associates. "We will leave no stone unturned until we find this man," Chadd said. Al-Amin is the chief suspect in the shooting of two Fulton County Sheriff Deputies on Thursday in Atlanta. One of the officers, Deputy Ricky Kinchen, 35, died on Friday as a result of the wounds sustained the previous day. The other officer, Aldranon English, 28, has had his condition upgraded to stable. Al-Amin associates and resident of the local community in Atlanta where he served as a religous leader and operator of a local grocery store, have expressed extreme doubts about the police claims involving the veteran activist, who was formerly known as H. Rap Brown during the late 1960s. The statements made today by the local law-enforcement authorities in Atlanta and Fulton County could result in the targeting of associates and friends of Al-Amin for investigation and interogation.* Pan-African News Wire articles may be broadly forwarded for non-profit research and educational purposes. |