Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 14:04:44 -0800 (PST)
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 14:04:44 -0800 (PST) National NAACP; Is there a plan?A dialog on the BRC-ALL list, December 1999Hi all, I think my first question for anybody interested is what to do about the NAACP. It is the only nationally recognized large viable organization, and to the detriment of Black people, totally lame. There have been a number of racist police and discrimination problems in California, and in the area where I am, that has gotten tremendous attention and effort from MAPA, the Mexican American Political Association, but nothing at all from the local NAACP chapters. I think we all know this group is basically worthless, and can only seem to tackle a few issues a year, at best. But what to do? I see MAPA members working their butts off, going to board meetings, speaking out, protesting, registering new voters, while NAACP members in this area are worried about fundraising, fashion shows and not giving me a half-way descent quote when I need it! (I'm a reporter). What to do? Unfortunately, there is no similar Black civil rights effort with the slightest bit of national cohesiveness besides the NAACP, which hides any political committment under the guise of not being able to sneeze without approval from its million board members. There is no autonomy. Were these concerns voiced at the BRC conference? Is there any way to hold the NAACP more accountable, or is there a plan? Dianne Anderson Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 03:30:00 EST From: Blakpoet@aol.com Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.981230152647.20648P-100000@igc.apc.org> Dianne, have you considered getting yourself and about ten like minded progressives to join the local chapter of the NAACP. That many folks at a meeting probably would win all motions. Otherwise you can start your own, but I don't think you can be progressive and talk about what to do about the NAACP. The question is what can you do? As a reporter you have some stuff you can do, in addition you should be part of some progressive media organization. Other than that, I'm sure there's gotta to be some other folks, black and otherwise doing some work besides the two groups you've named. You may have to contact the universities to find them. Peace from the east. Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 12:05:40 EST From: DurhamBRC@aol.com Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.981230163245.20648U-100000@igc.apc.org> In a message dated 12/29/98 5:13:52 PM SA Pacific Standard Time, mantis2@pacbell.net writes: << I think my first question for anybody interested is what to do about the NAACP. It is the only nationally recognized large viable organization, and to the detriment of Black people, totally lame. >>Greetings All, I find there is significant autonomy within the NAACP from chapter to chapter. Generally, the NAACP in communities reflects the politics and perspective of the chapter leadership. In North Carolina, the NAACP has a different character. In many ways the legacy of Rob Williams has influenced the way chapters operate. There are numerous chapters in towns and cities throughout North Carolina. I met the leadership of the Monroe, NC chapter recently. They are still very strong. There are many student chapters in the area. Shaw University, Duke and UNC all have NAACP chapters headed by student activists. Recently the Durham NAACP chapter elected a BRC activist as president. We have all committed to build the chapter as part of the emerging workers/student movement in Durham. At the Million Youth Movement march on September 5 in Atlanta, NAACP youth marched down Auburn Avenue in a very impressive action. They were clearly one of the better organized groups in Atlanta for the weekend. My general sense is that we have an opportunity to work with youth and students who are involved in organizations like the NAACP. The BRC Youth Caucus could play a major role in relating to young people who are looking for organization. I'm looking forward to working with the NAACP chapters in North Carolina as we build to BRC 2000. Forward,
Theresa El-Amin
BRC-ALL: Black Radical Congress - International Discussion/Debate