Date: Wed, 21 May 97 13:36:04 CDT A Message to the Fleeting Hearts: Malcolm X, Revolution and RebirthBy Cesar Alonso Cruz <cacruz@ea.oac.uci.edu>, 21 May 1997birth May 19, 1925—rebirth May 19, 1997 I had the opportunity of travelling to Harlem, New York for the sole purpose of finding Malcolm X's grave. It took a few days; however, before realizing that I had asked at least 50 different people where his grave was and no one seemed to know. I wondered why it was so easy to find Martin Luther King's grave in Atlanta and so impossible to find Malcolm's. After almost giving up I was touched by an angel. An Afro-American woman filled that void and said, "My child, he's not in the ghetto, they got him up at Hartsdale." I ignorantly asked, "Can I get there by bus?" She replied, "If you take about ten of them." The journey to Hartsdale involved two buses, a train ride, a taxi, and a long hike. The freezing wind seemed to working in conjunction with this conspiracy to keep me away. Finally after twenty years I arrived at his grave site, out of the way, in a corner at the Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, New York. On this anniversary of Malcolm X's birth I felt it was critical to remember not for his cliches or soundbites, but for his passion, his love for humanity, and his tremendous sense of understanding as to the injustice that makes up Amerikkka. In his memory, and for our children I requested to given the opportunity of rewording one of his most important gifts, his message. There was no verbal response. The wind continued and I knew it was critical as an Indigenous brother to leave a gift for our slain brother. On this day I deliver the gift he left for all of us...I only hope we can embrace his words by our actions and not by hanging his poster on the wall or wearing the played out 'X' caps. If we truly loved, honored and respected him, the time has come to walk his walk, and not just talk his talk. For Malcolm. For the youth. For the arrested revolution whose chains are beginning to rot. . . First, what is a revolution?
I'm inclined to believe that many of our people are using this word
Look at the American Revolution in 1776.
The French Revolution
Was no love lost,
The Russian Revolution
You dont have a revolution that doesnt involve bloodshed.
And you're afraid to bleed.
As long as the white man sent you to Korea, you bled.
You bleed when the whiteman says bleed;
You bleed for white people,
How can you be nonviolent in California,
How can you justify being nonviolent in the Southwest (Aztln),
If violence is wrong in America,
If it is wrong to be violent defending black, brown,
And if it is right for America to draft us,
By any means necessary. El hajj-malik el shabazzBrace Yourself. Cesar A. Cruz (excerpts from Message to the Grass Roots- Malcolm X, rebirth for our people- Cesar A. Cruz) |