History of Latinos and Chicanos in the U.S.
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Social history of United States society in general
History of Latinos the U.S.
See also the history of occupied Boriken
(Puerto Rico)
- Thoughts on October 12th, United Nations March, Latino Flu and
the Bridge to Revolution
- By Cesar Alonso Cruz, in Palabras de Aztlan... , 24 September 1997.
The one-year anniversary of the Latino Civil Rights March on Washington. The
March brought together people from over thirty countries, but its militancy
was quickly tempered by the greed and apathy of the 'established' Latino
- The Latino Gains in Voting and Registration Higher than Whites
and Blacks in 1996
- From Angelo Falcon, An Institute for Puerto Rican Policy Analysis, 25 October
- Puerto Rican Day Parade: Pro-Independence Marchers Draw Cheers
- By David Perez, in Workers World 25 June 1998. Over a million people,
mostly Puerto Ricans, turned out June 14. It was a manifestation of pride
among an historically oppressed community.
History of Chicanos in the U.S. specifically
See also the history of immigration in the
- 5,000 march on Chicano Moratorium anniversary
- By Evelina Alarcon, in People's Weekly World, 2 September, 1995.
The 25th Anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium, a massive protest against
the Vietnam War.
- California: Gov Wilson's War on Mexican-Americans
- By Peter Rashkin. Brown Flu Media Release, 11 June, 1996.
- Viva la huelga
- From the National Huelga Committee, 11 October 1997. Re coming first national
strike by Chicanos and other Latinos. The "Huelga" is motivated by
the growing concerns over the racist campaigns against our community.
- La Raza: "Hell No We Won't Go" to the Kosovo War!
- From the Brown Berets, 18 April 1999. Re. Nation of Aztlan article outlining
the historical inequality of La Raza in the U.S. Armed forces. The Pentagon
is calling up 33,000 reservists.