From Sun Jan 23 09:50:45 2000
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 08:57:16 -0800
From: paksoy <>
To: Haines Brown <>
Subject: cae 21
X-UIDL: c7b2f0b0e7b6523a1167814f1d1abaac
Most Americans tend to think that the Turkish Republic is named after
a bird. As one result, quite a few Turks in the US, at one time or
other, had to answer the question What do you Turks eat during
This query is especially heard during November of
each year, as Americans prepare to observe the quintessentially
American holiday.
The homeland of the fowl known as Meleagris gallopavo or americana sybestris auis, is the North American continent. The 1494 Tordesillas treaty, forged by the Pope in Rome, granted the monopoly of commerce originating from the newly discovered continent to the Portuguese (as opposed to the Spanish). The Portuguese brought this fowl to their Goa colony in India.
Circa 1615, Cihangir (a direct descendent of the founder of the Mughal
empire in India, Babur [1483-1530] himself a grandson of Timur
[d. 1405] wrote his Tuzuk-u Jahangiri (Institutes of Cihangir). In his
book, Cihangir also described this fowl in detail replete with a color
drawing. Since Meleagris gallopavo resembled the Meleagris Numida
commonly found in Africa (especially in Guinea), and already known in
India, the former became known in British India as the Guinea
(see O. Caroe, Why Turkey.
Asian Affairs. October
Meleagris gallopavo was then introduced to Egypt, a province of the
Ottoman empire and entered the Turkish language as hindi
India). When traders took a breeding stock from Ottoman
) Egypt to Spain and the British Isles, the bird was
designated Turkey.
As a result, the pilgrims landing on Plymouth Rock in 1620 were
familiar with Turkey
when they encountered it in their new
home. After the 1776 Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin
suggested that turkey,
native of the land be designated as the
symbol of the young American republic. Instead, Haliaeetus
Leucocephalus (Bald Eagle) was given this honor.