The strike at Falconbridge (August 2000–February 2001)
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- Falconbridge Workers Remain On
- CAW/TCA Canada, Contact, 8 September
2000. CAW members at Falconbridge in Sudbury, Ontario,
have entered their fifth week on strike. The company is
continuing to demand take aways in areas such as seniority
rights, contracting out language, union representation,
changes to health and safety and others.
- Falconbridge says court to rule Tuesday on
- Reuters, 30 October 2000. Falconbridge awaits the
outcome of a court application to stop striking workers
from disrupting traffic at its Sudbury complex. The
workers went on strike on August 1 after contract talks
collapsed and the previous agreement expired. The union
has accused management of trying to unravel the collective
agreement, while Falconbridge is pushing for contract
adjustments that will reduce costs by cutting union
representation and make its business units more
- Court puts restrictions on Falconbridge
- Financial News, 31 October 2000. Canadian
nickel producer Falconbridge Ltd. obtained a court order
on Tuesday to restrict picket line activities of 1,260
striking miners at its nickel-copper facility in Sudbury,
Ontario. A company spokesman said the order gives
Falconbridge unrestricted access to its facilities without
delays at the picket line, limits the number of picketers
to 20 per site and restricts picket lines to outside
company premises.
- Falconbridge strike to last until year
ends-labor head
- By Rajiv Sekhri, Reuters, 10 November 2000. Labor
officials say they expect the 15-week-old strike at miner
Falconbridge Ltd. to last at least until year-end as the
two sides cannot agree on issues. Company and union
officials are at odds over the true nature of the dispute
at the plant. The union says Falconbridge management is
hiding real issues beneath talk that excessive union
representation is damaging productivity.
- Falconbridge Norway starts five-day
- Reuters, 15 November 2000. Workers at Falconbridge
Nikkelverk, the Norwegian unit of Canadian miner
Falconbridge, started a planned five-day strike in
sympathy with their striking Canadian colleagues.
- Sudbury showdown threatens every labour
union. The most important strike in Canada you've never
heard of
- By Mick Lowe, Straight Goods, 12 December
2000. One of Canada's most historic trade union locals
is under vicious attack from one of the country's most
powerful concentrations of capital, and the outcome of the
struggle could resonate through the ranks of organized
labour for years to come. Local 598, which was once
Canada's mightiest single trade union local, is
fighting for its very life.
- Mine Mill Needs More Support and Militant
Action Against Falconbridge-Noranda
- By Gary Kinsman, 16 December 2000. Despite stepped up
militancy of Mine Mill (CAW Local 598) and growing
community support, much more is
needed. Falconbridge-Noranda wants a contract that will
take away the gains of decades of union struggle and to
establish a more
form of production that
increases the power of the corporation at the expense of
the workers. To do this they use scabs and hired the
Accu-Fax strikebreaking firm.
- Victory At Falconbridge
- CAW/TCA, 20 February 2001. Leadership statemets. We
stood in solidarity with one another and we reached a
collective agreement that we believe we can live with for
another three years. The real victory was the successful
fight against the company's attempt to weaken the
- Union scuttles Falconbridge strike
- By Lee Parsons, World Socialist Web Site, 24 February
2001. The strike by 1,260 production and maintenance
workers at the giant Falconbridge nickel mining operation
in northern Ontario was brought to an end last week with
the ratification of a contract agreement which provides
for workforce reductions of at least 10 percent. In
addition to the loss of jobs, most damaging to union
members is the splitting of operations at two plants in