TORONTO—Canada's capitalist rulers and their political servants reacted with outrage to the show of union power during the October 22-27 Metro Days of Protest against the austerity and anti-union drive of the 17-month-old Conservative government of Ontario Premier Michael Harris. This was the fifth and largest in a series of actions organized by the labor movement since last December. Since then, a discussion is unfolding among working people here over how to advance their fight.
On October 26, close to 200,000 workers, students and other youth
marched past the convention site of the ruling Ontario Conservative
party chanting Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Mike Harris has got to go!
employers were particularly incensed by what they claimed were illegal
strikes by tens of thousands of workers on October 25. Major plants
and offices were shut down as well as public transit for the day,
despite Ontario Labor Relations Board injunctions against picketing
and other threats by government officials and bosses.
Harris at first tried to downplay the scope of the mobilization,
claiming only 35,000 participated October 26. He claimed that the
protest was made up of narrow special interest
groups such as
communists, Iraqis and Iranians. He was forced to issue an apology for
his remarks in response to a press release by the Canadian Arab
Federation condemning them. He added the city-wide protest actions
will not deter his government from carrying out more cuts to health
care, education, child care, workers' compensation, and other
rights of working people.
During the October 26 protest, discussion began among activists about
the next steps to take in the fight against the government. Some
placards called for a province-wide protest and strike. Other workers
wore stickers that said NDP-Labor Solidarity,
support for the social democratic New Democratic Party, to which most
unions are affiliated outside Quebec. In the last provincial election,
the Conservatives defeated Ontario's first NDP government, which
had been elected in the fall of 1990. Union officialdom divides over
tactics Divisions in the union officialdom over to what extent labor
should wage a fight against the Harris government and get the NDP
reelected broke out into the open at a November 7 meeting of 50
officials of unions affiliated to the Ontario Federation of Labor
(OFL). The officials met with the OFL executive board and the
co-chairs of the Metro Days of Action: Linda Torney, the president of
the Labour Council of Metropolitan Toronto and York Region (LCMT) and
Margaret Hancock, the Chairperson of the Metro Network for Social
The meeting produced two press releases. One stated that the Metro
Days of Action were a huge success
and would continue in
other communities across the province.
It read that the OFL
would meet with its community partners
to determine the next
Days of Action. The decision would be discussed at a December 10
meeting of the OFL executive board and affiliated unions.
A second release was issued at an unscheduled news conference, which
rejected the strategy of partial general strikes,
and urged
instead target action against employers who ignore workers'
rights by using scabs and locking out workers,
permitted under
Harris' anti-union laws. The release states that its signers
are opposed to a strategy that takes away from the need to be
militant on issues that directly affect workers in their
workplaces...[and] pledge that the goal of their efforts is to defeat
the Harris government and elect new Democrats both provincial and
The officials of 13 industrial unions who organized the second press conference and endorsed the second statement included: the United Steelworkers of America, International Association of Machinists, Power Workers' Union, Communications, Energy and Paperworkers, Amalgamated Transit Union, and United Food and Commercial Workers.
Power Workers' Union president John Murphy said at the second
press conference, We're not going to participate in a blanket
attack on communities,
echoing the ruling-class attempt to paint
working people who couldn't use public transit to get to work as
victims of the Metro Days of Action. We think that the idea of
simply shutting down a city without weighing the impact of public
opinion is working against the goals we're trying to achieve.
In light of the division, the LCMT unanimously adopted a resolution
that stated: The LCMT expresses concern over the second [anti-Days
of Action] press release which threatens to divide the movement when
the unity of mass action and political action finally seem an
attainable goal.
The division reflects the tactical split among union officials that
took place at the November 1993 OFL convention as a result of the NDP
government's Bill 48 -called the social
—which ripped up the union contracts of thousands of
government workers and imposed wage cuts and layoffs. Citing Bill 48,
unions such as the Canadian Auto Workers and those representing
government workers did not campaign for the NDP in the June 1995
provincial election. One month before that election the LCMT refused
to back the NDP. Officials of many of the unions now opposed to more
Days of Protest continued to campaign for the NDP. Would NDP defend
workers' interests? All sides in the debate in the officialdom
over the effectiveness of mass protests assume the election of an NDP
government would in some way strengthen the position of working
We are not going into the next election not being able to support a
political party,
said Syd Ryan, president of the Ontario division
of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, a supporter of the wing of
the officialdom in favor of more Days of Action. He warned that the
NDP would have to support the goals of the protest movement to get its
backing in the next election, or the movement would have to launch a
more radical left-wing party.
The NDP is also being discussed on the shop floor in many plants. During one shift this reporter heard two different views on the question.
The October 26 protest was good,
said Machinists union member
Sam Zaher, a mechanic a Ford Electronics. But I don't have any
respect for the NDP. They didn't do anything for working people
when they were the government.
Even though the NDP stepped on labor's toes when it was in
power, it's still the only viable alternative because it's
rooted in the unions,
said Leo Mullen, who is also a mechanic.
Despite the differences over the Day of Action strategy, neither wing
of the union officialdom presents working people with a fighting
political perspective that draws a clear class line between working
people and the ruling capitalist families and their governments. The
fundamental problem, they say, is the right-wing Harris
government's corporate agenda.
However, the problem working people face is not simply a particular government in a particular province. The problem is the world capitalist profit system, which has been on a downward curve since the 1974-75 worldwide recession.With sharpening trade conflicts between the rulers of Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United States, and other imperialist powers, major corporations backed by capitalist governments throughout the world are attacking the living conditions and rights of working people.
Auto workers in Canada came up against this reality in October, when the General Motors bosses forced them into a 20- day strike in order to strike a blow at their union in its drive to lower wages and cut jobs. Low profit margins relative to their competitors left GM's major shareholders no choice. GM workers had no choice but to set up picket lines and fight.
The Harris government is acting in the interests of the capitalist ruling class of billionaire and multimillionaire families that own the mines, mills, factories, banks and agribusiness across Canada. It has carried out some of the sharpest attacks against working people under the guise of balancing the budget. At the same time, NDP governments in Saskatchewan and British Columbia are attacking the rights of working people in the name of deficit-cutting, as did the previous NDP administration in Ontario. Recently, the B.C. NDP premier Glen Clark announced plans to fire 3,500 government workers in order to cut $750 million in government services. And behind the attacks of the provincial governments stands the federal Liberal government in Ottawa, which has cut billions of dollars in transfer payments to the provinces for social services and gutted unemployment insurance.
Conservative, Liberal, NDP, and Parti Quebecois governments all defend capitalist property relations, and therefore respond to the capitalist economic crisis by attacking working people in order to shore up the profit rates of the capitalist rulers. Their only differences on economic and social policy are over how far and fast to slash social programs and restrict union rights at any given point in time, taking into account the possible resistance of working people.
The success of the Metro Days of Action strengthened the struggles
of working people,
steelworker and Communist League leader Susan
Berman told a Militant Labor Forum here one week after the
protest. The mobilization showed the potential power of our unions
when we take action in the streets on behalf of all working
Independent working-class action We need more protests
of this kind and more picket line solidarity with fighters such as the
S.A. Armstrong steelworkers who are fighting to defend their union
against the use of scab labor,
Berman added. What we don't
need is to tie union power to the dead-end perspective of electing
‘lesser-evil’ capitalist politicians of any stripe, including the
NDP, despite its ties to the union officialdom.
Berman proposed that fighting workers and youth study and discuss the Action Program to Confront the Coming Economic Crisis published by Pathfinder press after the 1987 stock market crash.
The proposals in the action program offer a perspective to unite
our class on an international scale against our class enemies to
overcome the divisions among us created by the capitalist crisis and
she said. This program proposes an international
fight to create millions of jobs by shortening the work week without
cuts in pay; affirmative action programs to overcome job
discrimination faced by women, Quebecois, Blacks, native people,
immigrants and others; and a fight to force the cancellation of the
debt of the Third World countries to the imperialist banks that is
devastating the lives of millions of workers and farmers in Asia,
Africa and Latin America.
In struggles of this kind our class can forge a working class
leadership and mass political party capable and committed to taking
the struggle all the way against the capitalist system itself—as
our class did in the 1959 Cuban revolution that replaced the
government of the capitalists with a workers' and farmers'
government as the first step towards socialism,
Berman concluded.