The history of pre-socialist Cuba
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The retrospective history in general of Cuba
- The Cubans who fought at Gettysburg
- By Pedro J. Saavedra. Col. Fernandez Cavada's
name is associated in Cuban history with those of the Cuban
generals especially Roloff of Villa Clara, (Las Villas, the
middle province) who were involved in the official declaration
of the Ten Year Cuban War for Independence (1868-1878).
- 100 Years of Conflict
- By Dalia Acosta, IPS. The sinking of the U.S. Maine in 1888
served as a pretext for the U.S. to intervene in Cuba's war
of independence and take over the island.
- Funston at Las Guasimas in 1898?
- By Larry Daley. General Garcia's control of the
countryside and critical military points allowed the US landings
to succeed. Fred Funston's actions and training played a large
role in assuring victory in the Spanish-Cuban-American War.
- Review of Aine Helg, Our Rightful Share: The
Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality, 1886-1912
- By Paul Figueroa. 29 June, 1995. Helg sets out to show how Cuban
blacks and mulattoes were kept down through discrimination even
after independence. She takes as her central incident the
"armed protest" of the Partido Independiente de Color
in May 1912.
- The Sugar Workers' Strike Of 1955
- By Alina Marti'nez Triay. Translation and reprint of an article
in Trabajadores. The strike by 200,000 sugar workers
in December 1955, centered in Las Villas province. Due to an
attempt by the Batista government, on behalf of the sugar
owners, to reduce the sugar differential.