Cuban-Americans denounce anti-Cuba measures

By David Perez in Workers World,
7 March, 1996

On Feb. 28 Cuban American groups held a New York news conference to denounce the Clinton administration's threat to tighten sanctions against Cuba. They called for an end to U.S.-led provocations against the island and announced a demonstration in solidarity with Cuba for Feb. 29.

Conference moderator Nancy Cabrero of Cubans Against the Blockade summarized the sentiment of the Cuban American community this way: "Right-wing groups like `Brothers to the Rescue' do not represent the majority view of Cuban Americans here. We say the U.S. embargo should be lifted and that U.S.-Cuba relations be normalized."

Speakers included Luis Miranda of Casa de las Americas; Delvis Fernandez Levy from the Cuban-American Alliance Education Fund; Dagmaris Cabezas of the Cuban-American Committee for Research and Education Fund; Iris Fernandez of Cubans Against the Blockade; and Jaime Mendiata, an individual who participates in various humanitarian aid missions to Cuba.

Statements of support for Cuba from Reps. Jose Serrano and Nydia Velazquez were included in the media packets.

It was clear from the conference, which included a sizable turnout from the both the English- and Spanish-language media, that most Cubans in the United States are well aware that the U.S. government played a key role in provoking Cuba's response to the plane flights. They pointed out Washington and the CIA's long history of aggression against socialist Cuba.

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