The traditional religion of Vodun (Voodoo) in Haiti

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Introduction to Voodoo in Haiti
By Bob Corbett, March 1988. Basic concepts, key terms, and issues discussed in outline form.
Comment on Bob Corbett, Introduction to Voodoo
By Jeffrey Altepeter. 28 July 1995.
Reflections on ways to regard Haitain Voodoo
By Bob Corbett, Spring 1988. Philosophical perspectives. Three primary ways of regarding virtually any phenomena we observe or hear about or hear claimed: a) Naturally, b) Psycho-naturally, c) Transcendentally.
Comment on Corbett, Reflections on Ways to Regard Haitian Voodoo
By Haines Brown (16 January 1996). A philosophical comment on Corbett's Reflections that considers what is meant by naturalistic explanation.
Some brief notes on Voodoo's historical development
By Bob Corbett, December 1991. A brief chronology. A suggested chronological structure for the history of Voodoo, but no elaboration of that perspective.
A Guide to Zombie Movies
By Lisa Willey, 17 December 1991. A long list of movies and their characterization, which is an important source and expression of Western orientalization of Haitian culture.
An Overview of Haitian Voodoo
By Jean Leonard, student at Webster University, 1994. A student paper from Bob Corbett's course on Haitian Voodoo. It take the form of two letters written home by a fictitious character named Aimee.
Voodoo culture in the U.S.: Bibliography
By Wole Mongo Ife, 14 May 1995. A rich student bibliography of books and articles.
Dialogue on Doc Reeser
On Haiti-L, May 1995. White American Marine gets absorbed into Haitian society and accepted as a Voodoo horse of Guede.
Voodoo as a Magic System
By Brian Angliss, 21 June 1995. A rather challenging argument that Voodoo is a magical type that is both more powerful than Shamanic/Hemetic magic and more powerful than both.
On Voodoo
By Hugh B. Cave, 16 July 1995. There are ceremonies offered in or near Port-au-Prince for tourists, which are little more than folklore presentations staged for money. Real Voodoo is a religion, concerned not with tourists but with the invocation and worship of gods and spirits.
A short list of major loa
By Bob Corbett, 16 July 1995. A characterization of the loa (gods) in the Voodoo religion.
Yet more on the spelling of Voodoo
A dialog on Bob Corbett's Haiti list, 16 July 1995. Various spellings based on its pronunciation by Haitians, but they do not refer to the religion as Voodoo, but as following the loa, or serving the loa. The term voodoo is a distortion of the Dahomean (or Beninois) word vodu (meaning god or spirit.)
A Dictionary of Voodoo terms
By Bob Corbett, 16 July 1995. A list of key terms and their definitions.
Voodoo seeks a role in a democratic Haiti
By Kathie Klarreich, The Christian Science Monitor, 25 July 1995. Today's Haitians who practice the ancient religion of voodoo are hoping that they will be given the recognition they deserve. Democracy has presented them with a chance to overturn years of misrepresentation and undo decades of manipulation at the hands of dictators.
First hand accounts of zombification
A dialogue on Bob Corbett's Haiti List, December 1995. Sources for zombification. Wade Davis (brief).
Voodoo brings peace amid turmoil in Haiti
Reuter, Sunday 1 September 1996. The rules of the spirits provide respite from the lawlessness of the streets. Twenty-one of the 101 spirits in the Voodoo religion are celebrated at the Sucre ceremony. The rest are spirits that are said to serve the devil.
Nothing to lose but your chains, white slaves
Haiti Briefing extract, 27 August 1998. Review of press coverage of two Vodou Nation performances of houngan Edgar Jean-Louis, and Boukman Eksperyans in London and Liverpool in May. The enduring fascination Vodou holds for westerners is based on old stereotypes. Cultural imperialism is at its worst when religious discourse strays into ethnic comparisons.
New recognition of Vodou’s role in Haitian culture
By Kathie Klarreich, The Christian Science Monitor, 6 April 2000. For many in the West and in upper Haitian society, voodoo, or Vodou, evokes a Hollywood stereotype, but for Vodou supporters, it is finally being acknowledged as a bona fide religion and recognized for its role in defining Haitian culture.
Haiti’s Voodoo Faithful Pray
By Paisley Dodds, AP, 17 July 2001. A voodoo pilgrimage to Saut d'Eeau to pray for everything from good crops to an end to Haiti's political impasse. More confidence in the gods than in Aristide, but the spirits with Aristide are more powerful than those with his opposition.
An unlikely crusader fights to save the voodoo soul of Haiti
By Martin Hodgson in Port-au-Prince, The Guardian, Saturday 8 September 2001. Ex-Swiss diplomat seeks funds for museum to house vast hoard of religious artefacts she appropriated from the people of Haiti.
Haiti-Spirit Politics
By Paisley Dodds, AP, 30 October 2002. At a time of deepening poverty and despair, many people in this Caribbean country see only one way out; Voodoo is Haiti's only hope. We have nothing else—unless you're willing to risk your life to make it to the United States.
Religious Rituals
By Jeffrey B. Cohen, The New York Times, Sunday 19 January 2003. Elizabeth McAlister, an assistant professor in the Religion Department at Wesleyan University, discusses vodou and the Rara festival.
Vodou is fully recognised as a religion in Haiti
AHP, 5 April 2003. A presidential decree dated April 4, 2003 recognizing Vodou as a religion indicates that all Vodou chiefs, temple officials, officials at a sacred site, as well as all Vodou organisations or associations are empowered to file a request for recognition by the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs.
Vodou's Veil
By Jaqueline Charles,, posted on Saturday 03 May 2003. Vodou is practiced here in South Florida: Shrouded in a veil of secrecy in hidden-away temples that double as private homes, and storefront religious stores known as botanicas. Impact of recognition.
What has followed in the path of the official recognition of Vodou?
Dialog from Haiti list, 23 May 2003.
Haiti Voodoo
By Michael Norton, AP, 26 July 2003. Although millions still practice Voodoo—now a state-sanctioned religion in Haiti—some are turning their backs on the religion brought from Africa, testing other faiths as their Caribbean nation grapples with growing instability and poverty. A growing number, estimated at 30 percent, identify themselves as Protestant, and adamantly oppose Voodoo.