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This Week in Haiti,Haiti Progrès, 27 December 1995–2 January 1996. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), with the apparent involvement of the World Bank and the approval of the Haitian government, signed an $800,000 contract with a Canadian public relations firm to hype privatization.
This Week in Haiti,10–16 April 1996. In the face of Preval's neo-liberal austerity reforms, Haitian popular and democratic organizations have responded with a flood of statements expressing outrage, dismay, and alternatives. Excerpts from a selection of statements from the past 2 weeks.
This Week in Haiti,17–23 April 1996. In a desperate attempt to sell his project to privatize Haiti's state industries to the outraged and resistant Haitian people, President René Préval has mounted a major propaganda offensive using formerly nationalist political figures and foreign government officials.
This Week in Haiti,1–7 May 1996. As officials of the World Bank, IMF, and the Preval administration meet behind closed doors to fashion a neo-liberal austerity package for Haiti, the country's popular organizations and unions are taking to the streets to demand a different future.
death plan big imperialist countries have decided and want to jam down the throats of all little countries on the earth...
competitivefor foreign investors. U.S. interests dominate both the World Bank and the IMF. The result is famine.
This Week in Haiti,25 June–1 July 1997. The search for a new Prime Minister is becoming a quest for Haiti's future. Will the country continue with neoliberal reform or not? As the unstoppable force of globalization meets the immovable object of the Haitian people, a political shockwave is radiating out across the land, leveling the cardboard promises, politicians, and institutions of Haiti's occupation-democracy.
This Week in Haiti,12–18 November 1997. In a process that appears to be on the edge of legality at best, the resigned Prime Minister this month signed a contract privatizing the first of the 33 state enterprises slated for the auction block in what was clearly a
liquidation salein the favor of foreign capital.
This Week in Haiti,17–23 December 1997. Henry Kissinger is a director of the Continental Grain Company, the U.S. agribusiness giant which purchased—many Haitian parliamentarians say illegally—70% ownership of the state flour mill for $9 million in October in conjunction with another agro-behemoth, the Seaboard Corporation of Kansas.
American Planfor Haiti
This Week in Haiti,10—16 June 1998.
Governanceis the latest code word which the U.S. government and multinational banks are using. It means: bypass a nation's central government, violate its sovereignty, and pump funds directly to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local officials, and private groups.
homemadeflour back to the Haiti since the plant closed in 1992. Other privatizations have been delayed because of public resistance to selling Haitian resources to foreigners, failure to find buyers and a long government stalemate.