The history of Haiti before the Revolution of 1804

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Deep Look: The Spanish Conquest
From: Discover: History website (n.d.) Columbus' first contact with the Taino people of Espaniola, and their destruction at the hands of the Spanish.
The ancient name of Haiti
A dialog from Bob Corbett's Haiti list. A discussion of the complex and ambivalent origins of the name for Haiti.
African conquistadors
A dialog from Bob Corbett's Haiti list, February 1999. Blacks from Spain, including one with Columbus. Research on African contributions to Americas.
Contact between the Africans and Indians
A dialog on Bob Corbett's Haiti list, February 1999. A thread spun off from above dialog. Were the Caribs cannibals? African cultural influence on Taino/Caribs.
The Carib
A dialog from Bob Corbett's Haiti list, February 1999. A thread spun off from the above dialog. Flesh-eating Carib Indians. Olmec Black stone heads. Afrocentrism.
The Haitian Revolution Revisited
Selections from The Black Jacobins, from Haiti Progress, 16–22 August 2000. First of a series of extracts from C.L.R. James, here from The Property chapter on slave conditions.
Pirates and the Founding of Saint-Domingue
By Bob Corbett, 21 June 1995. The pirates contributed very little to the future history of Haiti, but their de facto rule of the western part of the island strongly encouraged the French to sue for the cession of that portion of Hispaniola in 1697.
List of and questions about old French Forts
By Perdue and Persinos, 11 November 1996. Notes on the forts of north central Haiti and the literature.
Haiti's aid to US in 1779
Dialog from Bob Corbett's Haiti List, October 1995. Comments on the article, Hayti's Aid in 1779: How Eight Hundred of Her Freedmen Fought for America, New York Tribune, 6 July 1921.