From Mon Mar 1 19:45:11 2004
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 23:36:24 -0600 (CST)
From: President, USA Exile Govt.
Subject: Haiti: US-Sponsored Coup d'Etat
Article: 174452
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Centre for Research on Globalisation US Sponsored Coup d'état
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The White House has called into question Haitian President
Jean-Bertrand Aristide's fitness to continue to govern his
. According to the official White House statement released
one day before Aristide's departure for the Dominican Republic:
His failure to adhere to democratic principles has contributed to the deep polarization and violent unrest that we are witnessing in Haiti today... His own actions have called into question his fitness to continue to govern Haiti. We urge him to examine his position carefully, to accept responsibility, and to act in the best interests of the people of Haiti.
Now should we not apply the same standards to President George W. Bush, who has lied to the American people, violated international law and waged a criminal war based on a fabricated pretext?
This article was written in the last days of February 2004 in response to the barrage of disinformation in the mainstream media. It was completed on February 29th, the day of President Jean Bertrand Aristide's departure in exile.
The armed insurrection which contributed to unseating President Aristide on February 29th 2004 was the result of a carefully staged military intelligence operation.
The Rebel paramilitary army crossed the border from the Dominican
Republic in early February. It constitutes a well armed, trained and
equipped paramilitary unit integrated by former members of Le Front
pour l'avancement et le progrhs d'Haiti (FRAPH), the plain
death squadrons, involved in mass killings of civilians and
political assassinations during the CIA sponsored 1991 military coup,
which led to the overthrow of the democratically elected government of
President Jean Bertrand Aristide
The self-proclaimed Front pour la Libiration et la reconstruction nationale (FLRN) (National Liberation and Reconstruction Front) is led by Guy Philippe, a former member of the Haitian Armed Forces and Police Chief. Philippe had been trained during the 1991 coup years by US Special Forces in Ecuador, together with a dozen other Haitian Army officers. (See Juan Gonzalez, New York Daily News, 24 February 2004).
The two other rebel commanders and associates of Guy Philippe, who led
the attacks on Gonaives and Cap Haitien are Emmanuel Constant,
nicknamed Toto
and Jodel Chamblain, both of whom are former
Tonton Macoute and leaders of FRAPH.
In 1994, Emmanuel Constant led the FRAPH assassination squadron into
the village of Raboteau, in what was later identified as The
Raboteau massacre
One of the last of the infamous massacres happened in April 1994 in
Raboteau, a seaside slum about 100 miles north of the capital.
Raboteau has about 6,000 residents, most fishermen and salt rakers,
but it has a reputation as an opposition stronghold where political
dissidents often went to hide... On April 18 [1994], 100 soldiers and
about 30 paramilitaries arrived in Raboteau for what investigators
would later call a
dress rehearsal.
They rousted people from
their homes, demanding to know where Amiot Cubain
Metayer, a
well-known Aristide supporter, was hiding. They beat people, inducing
a pregnant woman to miscarry, and forced others to drink from open
sewers. Soldiers tortured a 65-year-old blind man until he vomited
blood. He died the next day.
The soldiers returned before dawn on April 22. They ransacked homes and shot people in the streets, and when the residents fled for the water, other soldiers fired at them from boats they had commandeered. Bodies washed ashore for days; some were never found. The number of victims ranges from two dozen to 30. Hundreds more fled the town, fearing further reprisals. (St Petersburg Times, Florida, 1 September 2002)
During the military government (1991-1994), FRAPH was (unofficially) under the jurisdiction of the Armed Forces, taking orders from Commander in Chief General Raoul Cedras. According to a 1996 UN Human Rights Commission report, FRAPH had been supported by the CIA.
Under the military dictatorship, the narcotics trade, was protected by
military Junta, which in turn was supported by the CIA. The 1991 coup
leaders including the FRAPH paramilitary commanders were on the CIA
payroll. (See Paul DeRienzo, , See also see Jim
Lobe, IPS, 11 Oct 1996). Emmanuel Constant alias Toto
confirmed, in this regard, in a CBS 60 Minutes
in 1995, that
the CIA paid him about $700 a month and that he created FRAPH, while
on the CIA payroll. (See Miami Herald, 1 August 2001). According to
Constant, the FRAPH had been formed with encouragement and
financial backing from the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and the
(Miami New Times, 26 February 2004)
The so-called Democratic Convergence
(DC) is a group of some
200 political organizations, led by former Port-au-Prince mayor Evans
Paul. The Democratic Convergence
(DC) together with The
Group of 184 Civil Society Organizations
(G-184) has formed a
so-called Democratic Platform of Civil Society Organizations and
Opposition Political Parties
The Group of 184 (G-184), is headed by Andre (Andy) Apaid, a US citizen of Haitian parents, born in the US. (Haiti Progres, ) Andy Apaid owns Alpha Industries, one of Haiti's largest cheap labor export assembly lines established during the Duvalier era. His sweatshop factories produce textile products and assembles electronic products for a number of US firms including Sperry/Unisys, IBM, Remington and Honeywell. Apaid is the largest industrial employer in Haiti with a workforce of some 4000 workers. Wages paid in Andy Apaid's factories are as low as 68 cents a day. (Miami Times, 26 Feb 2004). The current minimum wage is of the order of $1.50 a day:
The U.S.-based National Labor Committee, which first revealed the Kathie Lee Gifford sweat shop scandal, reported several years ago that Apaid's factories in Haiti's free trade zone often pay below the minimum wage and that his employees are forced to work 78-hour weeks.
Apaid was a firm supporter of the 1991 military coup. Both the Convergence dimocratique and the G-184 have links to the FLRN (former FRAPH death squadrons) headed by Guy Philippe. The FLRN is also known to receive funding from the Haitian business community.
In other words, there is no watertight division between the civilian
opposition, which claims to be non-violent and the FLRN paramilitary.
The FLRN is collaborating with the so-called Democratic
In Haiti, this civil society opposition
is bankrolled by the
National Endowment for Democracy which works hand in glove with the
CIA. The Democratic Platform is supported by the International
Republican Institute (IRI) , which is an arm of the National Endowment
for Democracy (NED). Senator John McCain is Chairman of IRI's
Board of Directors. (See Laura Flynn, Pierre Labossihre and Robert
Roth, Hidden from the Headlines: The U.S. War Against Haiti,
California-based Haiti Action Committee (HAC), ).
G-184 leader Andy Apaid was in liaison with Secretary of State Colin Powell in the days prior to the departure of President Aristide for the Dominican Republic on February 29. His umbrella organization of elite business organizations and religious NGOs, which is also supported by the International Republican Institute (IRI), receives sizeable amounts of money from the European Union.( ).
It is worth recalling that the NED, (which overseas the IRI) although
not formally part of the CIA, performs an important intelligence
function within the arena of civilian political parties and NGOs. It
was created in 1983, when the CIA was being accused of covertly
bribing politicians and setting up phony civil society front
organizations. According to Allen Weinstein, who was responsible for
setting up the NED during the Reagan Administration: A lot of what
we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.
('Washington Post', Sept. 21, 1991).
The NED channels congressional funds to the four institutes: The
International Republican Institute (IRI), the National Democratic
Institute for International Affairs (NDI), the Center for
International Private Enterprise (CIPE), and the American Center for
International Labor Solidarity (ACILS). These organizations are said
to be uniquely qualified to provide technical assistance to
aspiring democrats worldwide.
See IRI, )
In other words, there is a division of tasks between the CIA and the
NED. While the CIA provides covert support to armed paramilitary rebel
groups and death squadrons, the NED and its four constituent
organizations finance civilian
political parties and non
governmental organizations in view of instating American
around the World.
The NED constitutes so to speak the CIA's civilian
. CIA-NED interventions in different part of the World are
characterized by a consistent pattern, which is applied in numerous
The NED provided funds to the civil society
organizations in
Venezuela, which initiated an attempted coup against President Hugo
Chavez. In Venezuela it was the Democratic Coordination
, which
was the recipient of NED support; in Haiti it is the Democratic
and G-184.
Similarly, in former Yugoslavia, the CIA channeled support to the
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) (since 1995), a paramilitary group
involved in terrorist attacks on the Yugoslav police and military.
Meanwhile, the NED through the Center for International Private
(CIPE) was backing the DOS opposition coalition in
Serbia and Montenegro. More specifically, NED was financing the G-17,
an opposition group of economists responsible for formulating (in
liaison with the IMF) the DOS coalition's free market
reform platform in the 2000 presidential election, which led to the
downfall of Slobodan Milosevic.
Economic Medicine
The IMF and the World Bank are key players in the process of economic and political destabilization. While carried out under the auspices of an intergovernmental body, the IMF reforms tend to support US strategic and foreign policy objectives.
Based on the so-called Washington consensus
, IMF austerity and
restructuring measures through their devastating impacts, often
contribute to triggering social and ethnic strife. IMF reforms have
often precipitated the downfall of elected governments. In extreme
cases of economic and social dislocation, the IMF's bitter
economic has contributed to the destabilization of entire countries,
as occurred in Somalia, Rwanda and Yugoslavia. (See Michel
Chossudovsky, The globalization of Poverty and the New World Order,
Second Edition, 2003,
The IMF program is a consistent instrument of economic dislocation. The IMF's reforms contribute to reshaping and downsizing State institutions through drastic austerity measures. The latter are implemented alongside other forms of intervention and political interference, including CIA covert activities in support of rebel paramilitary groups and opposition political parties.
Moreover, so-called Emergency Recovery
and Post-conflict
reforms are often introduced under IMF guidance, in the wake of a
civil war, a regime change or a national emergency
In Haiti, the IMF sponsored free market
reforms have been
carried out consistently since the Duvalier era. They have been
applied in several stages since the first election of president
Aristide in 1990.
The 1991 military coup, which took place 8 months following Jean Bertrand Aristide's accession to the presidency, was in part intended to reverse the government's progressive reforms and reinstate the neoliberal policy agenda of the Duvalier era.
A former World Bank official Mr. Marc Bazin was appointed Prime minister by the Military Junta in June 1992. In fact, it was the US State Department which sought his appointment.
Bazin had a track record of working for the Washington
In 1983, he had been appointed Finance Minister under
the Duvalier regime, In fact he had been recommended to the Finance
portfolio by the IMF: President-for-Life Jean-Claude Duvalier had
agreed to the appointment of an IMF nominee, former World Bank
official Marc Bazin, as Minister of Finance
. (Mining Annual
Review, June, 1983). Bazin, who was considered Washington's
, later ran against Aristide in the 1990 presidential
Bazin, was called in by the Military Junta in 1992 to form a so-called
consensus government
. It is worth noting that it was precisely
during Bazin's term in office as Prime Minister that the political
massacres and extra judicial killings by the CIA supported FRAPH death
squadrons were unleashed, leading to the killing of more than 4000
civilians. Some 300,000 people became internal refugees, thousands
more fled across the border to the Dominican Republic, and more than
60,000 took to the high seas
(Statement of Dina Paul Parks,
Executive Director, National Coalition for Haitian Rights, Committee
on Senate Judiciary, US Senate, Washington DC, 1 October
2002). Meanwhile, the CIA had launched a smear campaign representing
Aristide as mentally unstable
(Boston Globe, 21 Sept 1994).
Following three years of military rule, the US intervened in 1994,
sending in 20,000 occupation troops and peace-keepers
Haiti. The US military intervention was not intended to restore
democracy. Quite the contrary: it was carried out to prevent a popular
insurrection against the military Junta and its neoliberal cohorts.
In other words, the US military occupation was implemented to ensure political continuity.
While the members of the military Junta were sent into exile, the
return to constitutional government required compliance to IMF
diktats, thereby foreclosing the possibility of a progressive
to the neoliberal agenda. Moreover, US troops
remained in the country until 1999. The Haitian armed forces were
disbanded and the US State Department hired a mercenary company
DynCorp to provide technical advice
in restructuring the
Haitian National Police (HNP).
DynCorp has always functioned as a cut-out for Pentagon and CIA
covert operations.
(See Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn,
Counterpunch February 27, 2002, ) Under DynCorp
advice in Haiti, former Tonton Macoute and Haitian military officers
involved in the 1991 Coup d'Etat were brought into the HNP. (See
Ken Silverstein, Privatizing War, The Nation, July 28, 1997, )
In October 1994, Aristide returned from exile and reintegrated the
presidency until the end of his mandate in 1996. Free market
reformers were brought into his Cabinet. A new wave of deadly
macro-economic policies was adopted under a so-called Emergency
Economic Recovery Plan (EERP) that sought to achieve rapid
macroeconomic stabilization, restore public administration, and attend
to the most pressing needs.
(See IMF Approves Three-Year ESAF Loan
for Haiti, Washington, 1996, ).
The restoration of Constitutional government had been negotiated behind closed doors with Haiti's external creditors. Prior to Aristide's reinstatement as the country's president, the new government was obliged to clear the country's debt arrears with its external creditors. In fact the new loans provided by the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the IMF were used to meet Haiti's obligations with international creditors. Fresh money was used to pay back old debt leading to a spiraling external debt.
Broadly coinciding with the military government, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) declined by 30 percent (1992-1994). With a per capita income of $250 per annum, Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere and among the poorest in the world. (see World Bank, Haiti: The Challenges of Poverty Reduction, Washington, August 1998, 00fa239/$FILE/Haiti1.doc ).
The World Bank estimates unemployment to be of the order of 60 percent. (A 2000 US Congressional Report estimates it to be as high as 80 percent. See US House of Representatives, Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources Subcommittee, FDHC Transcripts, 12 April 2000).
In the wake of three years of military rule and economic decline,
there was no Economic Emergency Recovery
as envisaged under the
IMF loan agreement. In fact quite the opposite: The IMF imposed
under the Recovery
program required
further budget cuts in almost non-existent social sector programs. A
civil service reform program was launched which consisted in reducing
the size of the civil service and the firing of surplus
employees. The IMF-World Bank package was in part instrumental in the
paralysis of public services, leading to the eventual demise of the
entire State system. In a country where health and educational
services were virtually nonexistent, the IMF had demanded the lay off
of surplus
teachers and health workers with a view to meeting
its target for the budget deficit.
Washington's foreign policy initiatives were coordinated with the application of the IMF's deadly economic medicine. The country had been literally pushed to the brink of economic and social disaster.
More than 75 percent of the Haitian population is engaged in agriculture, producing both food crops for the domestic market as well a number of cash crops for export. Already during the Duvalier era, the peasant economy had been undermined. With the adoption of the IMF-World Bank sponsored trade reforms, the agricultural system, which previously produced food for the local market, had been destabilized. The lifting of trade barriers, opened up the local market to the dumping of US agricultural surpluses including rice, sugar and corn, leading to the destruction of the entire peasant economy. Gonaives, which used to be a Haiti's rice basket region, with extensive paddy fields had been precipitated into bankruptcy:
By the end of the 1990s Haiti's local rice production had
been reduced by half and rice imports from the US accounted for over
half of local rice sales. The local farming population was devastated,
and the price of rice rose drastically ( See Rob Lyon,
Haiti-There is no solution under Capitalism! Socialist Appeal, 24
Feb. 2004, ).
In a matter of a few years, Haiti, a small impoverished country in the Caribbean, had become the World's fourth largest importer of American rice after Japan, Mexico and Canada.
The presidential elections were scheduled for November 23, 2000. The Clinton Administration had put put an embargo on development aid to Haiti in 2000. Barely two weeks prior to the elections, the outgoing administration signed a Letter of Intent with the IMF. Perfect timing, the agreement with the IMF virtually forecloses from the outset any departure from the neoliberal agenda, prior to the election of the new president, which since his return from exile in 1994, had been broadly compliant with IMF demands.
The Minister of Finance had sent the amended budget to the Parliament on December 14th. Donor support was conditional upon its rubber stamp approval by the Legislature. While Aristide had promised to increase the minimum wage, embark on school construction and literacy programs, the hands of the new government were tied. All major decisions regarding the State budget, the management of the public sector, public investment, privatization, trade and monetary policy had already been taken. They were part of the agreement reached with the IMF on November 6, 2000.
In 2003, the IMF imposed the application of a so-called flexible
price system in fuel
, which immediately triggered an inflationary
spiral. The currency was devalued. Petroleum prices increased by about
130 percent in January-February 2003, which served to fuel popular
resentment against the Aristide government, which had supported the
implementation of the economic reforms.
The hike in fuel prices contributed to a 40 percent increase in
consumer prices (CPI) in 2002-2003 (See Haiti-Letter of Intent,
Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical
Memorandum of Understanding, Port-au-Prince, Haiti June 10, 2003, ). In turn,
the IMF had demanded, despite the dramatic increase in the cost of
living, a freeze on wages as a means to controlling inflationary
The IMF had in fact pressured the government to lower
public sector salaries (including those paid to teachers and health
workers). The IMF had also demanded the alimentation of the statutory
minimum wage of approximately 25 cents an hour. Labour market
, meaning wages paid below the statutory minimum wage
would, according to the IMF contribute to attracting foreign
investors. The daily minimum wage was $3.00 in 1994, declining to
about $1.50- 1.75 (depending on the gourde-dollar exchange rate) in
In an utterly twisted logic, Haiti's abysmally low wages, which
had been part of the IMF-World Bank cheap labor
framework since the 1980s, were viewed as a means to improving the
standard of living. In other words, sweatshop conditions in the
assembly industries (in a totally unregulated environment) and forced
labor conditions in Haiti's agricultural plantations are viewed by
the IMF as a key to achieving economic prosperity, because the
attract foreign investment.
The country was in the straightjacket of a spiraling external debt. In a bitter irony, the IMF-World Bank sponsored austerity measures in the social sectors were imposed in a country which has 1,2 medical doctors for 10,000 inhabitants and where the large majority of the population is illiterate. State social services, which were virtually nonexistent during the Duvalier period, have collapsed.
The result of IMF ministrations was a further collapse in purchasing power, which had also affected middle income groups. Meanwhile, interest rates had skyrocketed. In the Northern and Eastern part of the country, the hikes in fuel prices have led to a virtual paralysis of transportation and public services including water and electricity.
While a humanitarian catastrophe is looming, the collapse of the
economy spearheaded by the IMF, has served to boost the popularity of
the Democratic Platform, which accused Aristide of economic
Needless to say, the leaders of the Democratic
Platform including Andy Apaid, who actually owns the sweatshops are
the main protagonists of the low wage economy.
In February 2003, Washington announced the appointment of James Foley as Ambassador to Haiti . Foley had been a State Department spokesman under the Clinton administration during the war on Kosovo. He previously held a position at NATO headquarters in Brussels. In all likelihood, Foley was sent to Port au Prince, in advance of the CIA sponsored operation. He was transferred to Port au Prince in September 2003, from a prestige diplomatic position in Geneva, where he was Deputy Head of Mission to the UN European office.
It is worth recalling Ambassador Foley's involvement in support of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in 1999.
Amply documented, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was financed by drug money and supported by the CIA. It was involved in similar targeted political assassinations and killings of civilians, in the months leading up to the 1999 NATO invasion as well as in its aftermath. Following the NATO led invasion and occupation of Kosovo, the KLA was transformed into the Kosovo Protection Force (KPF) under UN auspices. Rather than being disarmed to prevent the massacres of civilians, a terrorist organization with links to organized crime and the Balkans drug trade, was granted a legitimate political status.
At the time of the Kosovo war, the current ambassador to Haiti James
Foley was in charge of State Department briefings, working closely
with his NATO counterpart in Brussels, Jamie Shea. Barely two months
before the onslaught of the NATO led war on 24 March 1999, James Foley
had called for the transformation
of the KLA into a respectable
political organization:
We want to develop a good relationship with them [the KLA] as they
transform themselves into a politically-oriented organization.
[W]e believe that we have a lot of advice and a lot of help that we
can provide to them if they become precisely the kind of political
actor we would like to see them become...
If we can help them
and they want us to help them in that effort of transformation, I
think it's nothing that anybody can argue with..
(quoted in
the New York Times, 2 February 1999)
In the wake of the invasion a self-proclaimed Kosovar
administration was set up composed of the KLA and the Democratic Union
Movement (LBD), a coalition of five opposition parties opposed to
Rugova's Democratic League (LDK). In addition to the position of
prime minister, the KLA controlled the ministries of finance, public
order and defense. In the words of US State Department spokesman James
(Michel Chossudovsky, NATO's War of Aggression against
Yugoslavia, 1999, )
The US State Department's position as conveyed in Foley's
statement was that the KLA would not be allowed to continue as a
military force but would have the chance to move forward in their
quest for self government under a 'different context'
meaning the inauguration of a de facto narco-democracy
NATO protection. (Ibid).
With regard to the drug trade, Kosovo occupies a similar position to that of Haiti: it is crucial link in the transit (transshipment) of narcotics from the Golden Crescent, through Iran and Turkey into Western Europe. While supported by the CIA and NATO, the KLA had links to the Albanian Mafia and criminal syndicates involved in the narcotics trade.
Is this the model for Haiti, as formulated in 1999 by the current US Ambassador to Haiti James Foley?
For the CIA and the State Department the FLRN and Guy Philippe are to Haiti what the KLA and Hashim Thaci are to Kosovo.
In other words, Washington's design is regime change
: topple
the Lavalas administration and install a compliant US puppet regime,
integrated by the Democratic Platform and the self-proclaimed Front
pour la libiration et la reconstruction nationale (FLRN), whose
leaders are former FRAPH and Tonton Macoute terrorists. The latter are
slated to integrate a national unity government
alongside the
leaders of the Democratic Convergence and The Group of 184 Civil
Society Organizations led by Andy Apaid. More specifically, the FLRN
led by Guy Philippe is slated to rebuild the Haitian Armed forces,
which were disbanded in 1995.
In other words, what is at stake is an eventual power sharing arrangement between the various Opposition groups and the CIA supported Rebels, which have links to the cocaine transit trade from Colombia to Florida. The protection of this trade has a bearing on the formation of a new narco-government, which will serve US interests.
A bogus (symbolic) disarmament of the Rebels may be contemplated under
international supervision, as occurred with the KLA in Kosovo in
2000. The former terrorists
could then be integrated into the
civilian police as well as rebuilding under US supervision the Haitian
Armed forces.
What this scenario suggests, is that the Duvalier-era terrorist structures have been restored. A program of civilian killings and political assassinations directed against Lavalas supporter is in fact already underway.
In other words, if Washington were really motivated by humanitarian considerations, why then is it supporting and financing the FRAPH death squadrons? Its objective is not to prevent the massacre of civilians. Modeled on previous CIA led operations (e.g. Guatemala, Indonesia, El Salvador), the FLRN death squadrons have been set loose and are involved in targeted political assassinations of Aristide supporters.
While the real economy had been driven into bankruptcy under the brunt
of the IMF reforms, the narcotics transshipment trade continues to
flourish. According to the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),
Haiti remains the major drug trans-shipment country for the entire
Caribbean region, funneling huge shipments of cocaine from Colombia to
the United States.
(See US House of Representatives, Criminal
Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources Subcommittee, FDHC
Transcripts, 12 April 2000).
It is estimated that Haiti is now responsible for 14 percent of all the cocaine entering the United States, representing billions of dollars of revenue for organized crime and US financial institutions, which launder vast amounts of dirty money. The global trade in narcotics is estimated to be of the order of 500 billion dollars.
Much of this transshipment trade goes directly to Miami, which also constitutes a haven for the recycling of dirty money into bona fide investments, e.g. in real estate and other related activities.
The evidence confirms that the CIA was protecting this trade during
the military dictatorship (1991-1994). In 1987, Senator John Kerry as
Chairman of the Subcommittee on Narcotics, Terrorism and International
Operations of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee was entrusted with
a major investigation, which focused on the links between the CIA and
the drug trade, including the laundering of drug money to finance
armed insurgencies. The Kerry Report
published in 1989, while
centering its attention on the financing of the Nicaraguan Contras,
also included a section on Haiti:
Kerry had developed detailed information on drug trafficking by Haiti's military rulers that led to the indictment in Miami in 1988, of Lt. Col. Jean Paul. The indictment was a major embarrassment to the Haitian military, especially since Paul defiantly refused to surrender to U.S. authorities.. In November 1989, Col. Paul was found dead after he consumed a traditional Haitian good will gift-a bowel of pumpkin soup...
The U.S. senate also heard testimony in 1988 that then interior minister, Gen. Williams Regala, and his DEA liaison officer, protected and supervised cocaine shipments. The testimony also charged the then Haitian military commander Gen. Henry Namphy with accepting bribes from Colombian traffickers in return for landing rights in the mid 1980's.
It was in 1989 that yet another military coup brought Lt. Gen. Prosper Avril to power...According to a witness before Senator John Kerry's subcommittee, Avril is in fact a major player in Haiti's role as a transit point in the cocaine trade. ( Paul DeRienzo, Haiti's Nightmare: The Cocaine Coup & The CIA Connection, Spring 1994, )
Jack Blum, who was Kerry's Special Counsel, points to the complicity of US officials in a 1996 statement to the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Drug Trafficking and the Contra War:
...In Haiti ... intelligence
sourcesof ours in the Haitian military had turned their facilities over to the drug cartels. Instead of putting pressure on the rotten leadership of the military, we defended them. We held our noses and looked the other way as they and their criminal friends in the United States distributed cocaine in Miami, Philadelphia and New, York.
Haiti not only remains at the hub of the transshipment cocaine trade, the latter has grown markedly since the 1980s. The current crisis bears a relationship to Haiti's role in the drug trade. Washington wants a compliant Haitian government which will protect the drug transshipment routes, out of Colombia through Haiti and into Florida.
The inflow of narco-dollars, which remains the major source of the country's foreign exchange earnings are used to service Haiti's spiraling external debt, thereby also serving the interests of the external creditors.
In this regard, the liberalization of the foreign-exchange market
imposed by the IMF has, despite the authorities pro forma commitment
to combat the drug trade, provided a convenient avenue for the
laundering of narco-dollars in the domestic banking system. The
narco-dollars alongside bona fide remittances
from Haitians
living abroad, can be recycled towards the Treasury where they are
used to meet debt servicing obligations.
Haiti, however, reaps a very small percentage of the total foreign exchange proceeds of this lucrative contraband. Most of the revenue resulting from the cocaine transshipment trade accrues to criminal intermediaries in the wholesale and retail narcotics trade, to the intelligence agencies which protect the drug trade as well as to the financial and banking institutions where the proceeds of this criminal activity are laundered.
The narco-dollars are also channeled into private banking
accounts in numerous offshore banking havens. (These havens are
controlled by the large Western banks and financial
institutions). Drug money is also invested in a number of financial
instruments including hedge funds and stock market transactions. The
major Wall Street and European banks and stock brokerage firms launder
billions of dollars resulting from the trade in narcotics.
Moreover, the expansion of the dollar denominated money supply by the Federal Reserve System , including the printing of billions of dollars of US dollar notes for the purposes of narco-transactions constitutes profit for the Federal Reserve and its constituent private banking institutions of which the most important is the New York Federal Reserve Bank. See (Jeffrey Steinberg, Dope, Inc. Is $600 Billion and Growing, Executive Intelligence Review, 14 Dec 2001, )
In other words, the Wall Street financial establishment, which plays a
behind the scenes role in the formulation of US foreign policy, has a
vested interest in retaining the Haiti transshipment trade, while
installing a reliable narco-democracy
in Port-au-Prince, which
will effectively protect the transshipment routes.
In the weeks leading up to the Coup d'Etat, the media has largely
focused its attention on the pro-Aristide armed gangs
, without providing an understanding of the role of the
FLRN Rebels.
Deafening silence: not a word was mentioned in official statements and UN resolutions regarding the nature of the FLRN. This should come as no surprise: the US Ambassador to the UN (the man who sits on the UN Security Council) John Negroponte. played a key role in the CIA supported Honduran death squadrons in the 1980s when he was US ambassador to Honduras. (See San Francisco Examiner, 20 Oct 2001 )
The FLRN rebels are extremely well equipped and trained forces. The Haitian people know who they are. They are Tonton Macoute of the Duvalier era and former FRAPH assassins.
The Western media is mute on the issue, blaming the violence on President Aristide. When it acknowledges that the Liberation Army is composed of death squadrons, it fails to examine the broader implications of its statements and that these death squadrons are a creation of the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
The New York Times has acknowledged that the non violent
society opposition is in fact collaborating with the death squadrons,
accused of killing thousands
, but all this is described as
. No historical understanding is provided. Who are
these death squadron leaders? All we are told is that they have
established an alliance
with the non-violent
good guys
who belong to the political opposition
. And it is all for a
good and worthy cause, which is to remove the elected president:
As Haiti's crisis lurches toward civil war, a tangled web of alliances, some of them accidental, has emerged. It has linked the interests of a political opposition movement that has embraced nonviolence to a group of insurgents that includes a former leader of death squads accused of killing thousands, a former police chief accused of plotting a coup and a ruthless gang once aligned with Mr. Aristide that has now turned against him. Given their varied origins, those arrayed against Mr. Aristide are hardly unified, though they all share an ardent wish to see him removed from power.
There is nothing spontaneous or accidental
in the rebel attacks
or in the alliance
between the leader of the death squadrons
Guy Philippe and Andy Apaid, owner of the largest industrial sweatshop
in Haiti and leader of the G-184.
The armed rebellion was part of a carefully planned military-intelligence operation. The Armed Forces of the Dominican Republic had detected guerilla training camps inside the Dominican Republic on the Northeast Haitian-Dominican border. ( El ejircito dominicano informs a Aristide sobre los entrenamientos rebeldes en la frontera, El Caribe, 27 Feb. 2004, 24C6FBA4213AC40DD3A01&Seccion=64 )
Both the armed rebels and their civilian non-violent
counterparts were involved in the plot to unseat the president. G-184
leader Andre Apaid was in touch with Colin Powell in the weeks leading
up to the overthrow of Aristide; Guy Philippe and Toto
Constant have links to the CIA; there are indications that Rebel
Commander Guy Philippe and the political leader of the Revolutionary
Artibonite Resistance Front Winter Etienne were in liaison with US
officials. (See BBC, 27 Feb 2004, ).
While the US had repeatedly stated that it will uphold Constitutional government, the replacement of Aristide by a more compliant individual had always been part of the Bush Administration's agenda.
On Feb 20, US Ambassador James Foley called in a team of four military
experts from the U.S. Southern Command, based in Miami. Officially
their mandate was to assess threats to the embassy and its
(Seattle Times, 20 Feb 2004). US Special Forces are
already in the country. Washington had announced that three US naval
vessels have been put on standby to go to Haiti as a precautionary
. The Saipan is equipped with Vertical takeoff Harrier
fighters and attack helicopters. The other two vessels are the Oak
Hill and Trenton. Some 2,200 U.S. Marines from the 24th Marine
Expeditionary Unit, at Camp Lejeune, N.C. could be deployed to Haiti
at short notice, according to Washington.
With the departure of President Aristide, Washington, however, has no
intention of disarming its proxy rebel paramilitary army, which is now
slated to play a role in the transition
. In other words, the
Bush administration will not act to prevent the occurrence of killings
and political assassinations of Lavalas and Aristide supporters in the
wake of the president's departure.
Needless to say, the Western media has not in the least analyzed the
historical background of the Haitian crisis. The role played by the
CIA has not been mentioned. The so-called international
, which claims to be committed to governance and
democracy, has turned a blind eye to the killings of civilians by a US
sponsored paramilitary army. The rebel leaders
, who were
commanders in the FRAPH death squadrons in the 1990s, are now being
upheld by the US media as bona fide opposition spokesmen. Meanwhile,
the legitimacy of the former elected president is questioned because
he is said to be responsible for a worsening economic and social
The worsening economic and social situation is largely attributable to
the devastating economic reforms imposed by the IMF since the
1980s. The restoration of Constitutional government in 1994 was
conditional upon the acceptance of the IMF's deadly economic
therapy, which in turn foreclosed the possibility of a meaningful
democracy. High ranking government officials respectively within the
Andre Preval and Jean Bertrand Aristide governments were indeed
compliant with IMF diktats. Despite this compliance, Aristide had been
and demonized by Washington.
Washington seeks to reinstate Haiti as a full-fledged US colony, with all the appearances of a functioning democracy. The objective is to impose a puppet regime in Port-au-Prince and establish a permanent US military presence in Haiti.
The US Administration ultimately seeks to militarize the Caribbean basin.
The island of Hispaniola is a gateway to the Caribbean basin, strategically located between Cuba to the North West and Venezuela to the South. The militarization of the island, with the establishment of US military bases, is not only intended to put political pressure on Cuba and Venezuela, it is also geared towards the protection of the multibillion dollar narcotics transshipment trade through Haiti, from production sites in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia.
The militarisation of the Caribbean basin is, in some regards, similar
to that imposed by Washington on the Andean Region of South America
under Plan Colombia
, renamed The Andean Initiative
. The
latter constitutes the basis for the militarisation of oil and gas
wells, as well as pipeline routes and transportation corridors. It
also protects the narcotics trade.