From Fri Jan 24 18:00:08 2003
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 15:08:35 -0600 (CST)
From: Bob Corbett <>
To: Haiti mailing list <>
Subject: 14593: Pina:
From: kevin pina <>
Port au Prince—A general strike called in Haiti today by 184
civil society
organizations quickly began to resemble a strike
called by the Democratic Convergence last December 4, 2002. Businesses
that largely cater to Haiti's small upper and middle classes remained
shuttered today while the majority of small marketplace women, known
as ti machann, were clearly open and doing a brisk business.
Although not officially behind today's general strike, the Washington
backed Democratic Convergence continued calling for Aristide's
resignation while demanding Haitians respect the strike in support of
the new civil society
group claiming to represent all
sectors of Haitian society.
While tacitly accepting support from
the Convergence, the civil society
organizations insisted it
was not their goal to force Aristide's resignation. This appeared at
odds with their simultaneous claims that the government no longer
enjoys credibility with a majority of the Haitian people. As one
Lavalas insider summed it up, They are supporting the premises of
the Convergence [about Aristide and Lavalas] while saving the option
of dramatically calling for his resignation at a later date. They
think this will give them greater credibility and effectively isolate
middle-class support away from Lavalas. They are talking out of both
sides of their mouths.
Most banks, gas stations, supermarkets and specialty shops kept their
doors closed today which stood in stark contrast to the bustling
activity in the marketplaces of the poor. Only those who have money
and can afford to stay closed are behind this strike,
stated one
woman as she paused from bickering with a customer over the price of
carrots. Other small merchants defiantly held their hands open with
five fingers extended to symbolize their support for President
Aristide completing his five-year term in office. A Lavalas
coordinator commented on the strike, If the organizers of this
strike represent civil society then how do we describe the majority of
the poor who do not support this strike? Don't we count as civil
society as well or are we still to accept them looking down upon the
poor majority as lessor citizens? Are we to accept their statements
that they are smarter and know what is best for Haiti? They should
know we no longer accept that mentality here in Haiti and if they want
to determine the future then they should participate in elections and
win the right to do so. There is no other way.
Several small pickup trucks, known as tap-taps and the backbone of
transportation for the poor, could be seen disgorging their human
cargo after running out of gas. One tap-tap driver angrily denounced
gas station owners for participating in the strike, You see we are
here to work, people want to get about their business but I cannot get
gas today because the gas stations are closed.
Suddenly a second
truck pulled up behind his tap-tap and offered to sell him 5 gallons
of gas at cost. You see that?
asked the driver excitedly. He
continued, That is why this strike won't work because we are all
together to keep the country working.
The driver then poured the
precious juice into his vehicle from 5 plastic gallon containers, paid
the second driver, loaded his passengers and continued the journey up
the road.