From Fri Nov 1 09:30:08 2002
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 07:59:23 -0600 (CST)
From: Bob Corbett <>
To: Haiti mailing list <>
Subject: 13515: Vedrine: Theses & Dissertations Related To Haiti (fwd)

From: E Vedrine <>

Theses & Dissertations Related To Haiti

By Emmanuel W. Vedrine, 1 November 2002

AZIABU, Yao E. 1977. Duke. Black Activism and American Foreign Policy: From South Africa to Haiti. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 547 p.

BEDARD, Renée. 1988. La représentation de l’autre dans le récit de voyage: le cas du tourisme québécois en Haïti. Université Laval. Mémoire de maîtrise

BLACKLEDGE, Charles Henry. 1977. Phases of Black Nationalism and Emigration to Haiti, 1860-1862. University of South Alabama. Master Thesis.

CADOT, Marie-Stéphane. (1999) Considérations sur l’utilisation d’un SIG pour l’estimation de la taille minimale et viable d’une exploitation agricole: Bassin versant de Petite-Rivière-de-Nippes, Haïti. Université Laval. Maîtrise en géographie. Dir.: Joël Rouffignat, codir.: Marius Thériault.

CÉLIUS Carlo Avierl. 2001. L’avènement de l’art naïf en Haïti. Discours institué et nouvelle approche .Dir. Elikia M’bokolo. Ecole Des Hautes Etudes En Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris. [Histoire et civilizations]

CHEILLETZ, A. 1976. Etude Géologique et Métallogénique des Indices a Cuivre et Molybdène de Type Porphyre Cuprifère de la Zone ed Vert de Gris-Jean Rabel, Presqu’ile du Nord-Ouest, Haiti (Geologic and metallogenic study of the Cuivre indices and molybdenum of copper prophyry type of the zone of Vert de Gris-Jean Rabel, northwest peninsula, Haiti). University of Nancy, Nancy, France. PhD Thesis. 177 p. [Caribbean, Hispaniola, Haiti, minerals]

DESCARDES, Jean Rosier. Dynamique Vodou et droits de l’homme en Haïti. Université Paris I (PANTHEON-SORBONNE). 1998-1999

DESTINÉ, Fedner. 2001. Perception des irrigants sur le fonctionnement du système d’irrigation de la plaine de l’Arcahaie (Haïti). Université Laval. Maîtrise en ATDR. Dir.: Manuel J. Rodriguez.

EVANS, C.C., 1986. Facies Evolution in a Neogene Transpressional Basin, Cibao Valley, Dominican-Republic. University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida. PhD Thesis. 103 p. [Caribbean, Hispaniola, Dominican-Republic, stratigraphy, tectonic, Haiti]

JONES, Anthony Milton. Haiti: A Case Study in Planning Development and Managing Conflict. Clark University. ID/Master.

JULES Edouard. 1991 (juin). La problématique de l’imposition des entreprises en Haïti.Université Paris Sud. (code: 91 PA11 1014)

LANDRY, Gervaise Patricia. 1994. Femmes immigrantes et sida: les haïtiennes de Montréal. Université Laval. Mémoire de maîtrise.

LAVINE, Laurie K. 1997. The functions of female anger in the french and francophone novel of the mid-twentieth century (twentieth century, women writers, Myriam Warner Vieyra, Senegal, Anne Hébert, Marie Chauvet, Haïti).

Rutgers University. Ph. D. diss.’Summary: This dissertation explores the emergence from 1967 to 1985 of first-person novels written in French by women writers from France and Francophone countries, novels whose prevailing emotional tenor is anger. It attributes the cause for this phenomenon to global upheavals of the era, including the struggle for independence from colonialism, the resistance to the Vietnam war and the rise of the women’s movement. The female narrators of these novels voice women’s righteous indignation against the misogynism of their respective societies as filtered through their personal experiences. Social injunctions against angry women, however, result in the circumspect expression of this emotion. The novels in this study exemplify the traits of the Trojan Horse metaphor which governs its structure : the motifs of hostile gifting and disguise/enclosure and the techniques of surrogation, displacement and dialogism. Not only do these motifs and techniques function thematically to disclose the narrator’s feelings, but they also operate as textual strategies which subvert traditional narrative through repetition, gaps or silences, the resistance to logical syntax, dream imagery, and other challenges to the reader’s expectations. In addition to the thematic and textual emphases, this dissertation examines the socio-historical context which informs each work, showing the links between a writer’s creative expression and her concerns about the condition of women in her native or adopted country. These narratives thus demonstrate Antonin Artaud’s perception of the artist as a scapegoat for the roving anger of the times in order to release the people from their psychological disease. Myriam Warner-Vieyra, a Guadeloupean living in Senegal, and Anne Hébert, a French Canadian, attack the abuses of the institution of marriage in Muslim and Judeo-Christian traditions. Marie Chauvet exposes the gynophobia, racism and classism of Haiti’s political and religioux systems. Simone de Beauvoir and Monique Wittig reveal the complicity of women in their own subjugation and emphasize the power of communal resistance. Wittig also details language’s role in perpetuating patriarchal ideology. Female anger in these texts emerges from society’s inhumanity and proposes an egalitarian love which will respect our differences and recognize our commonalities.]

LÉONARD, Marjorie. 1997. Formation d’une police nationale dans un pays en voie de démocratisation, le cas d’Haiti. Université du Québec à Montréal. Mémoire de maîtrise en communication. iv, 164 feuillets. AC20U5511 M5437

MASSICOTTE, Guy. 1985. Sémiographie du stéréotype de l’Haïtien chez un échantillon de jeunes étudiants et étudiantes franco-québécois de niveau secondaire résidant à Montréal. Université Laval. Mémoire de maîtrise

MAURICE Pascal. 1981. l’Université Paris XIII-Villetaneuse . La réforme agraire à Haïti (1793-1843). Mémoire de maîtrise sous la direction de P. Gerbod. Pages: 109 p. (n° 75)

MORAL Paul. 1961. Le paysan haïtien. Étude sur la vie rurale en Haïti. Ref.: Bibliothèque de géographie de Paris 1. [GÉOGRAPHIE]

MORTUREUX Anne. 1999. Les sanctions économiques et l’exception humanitaire : le cas d’Haïti, étude compare. Mémoires de DEA présentés à la session de SEPTEMBRE 1999 .[DEA Droit communautaire.]

NONEZ, Evelyne. 1998. Femmes et coopératives en Haïti. Université Laval. Mémoire de maîtrise

SINTON, C.W. 1996. A tale of two large igneous provinces; geochronological and geochemical studies of the North Atlantic volcanic province and the Caribbean oceanic plateau. PhD Thesis, Corvallis, OR.179 p. [Caribbean, flood-basalt, Colombia, crust, Costa-Rica, igneous, Hispaniola, Haiti, magnetic, tectonic]