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Sender: o-imap@webmap.missouri.edu
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 96 14:16:25 CST
From: Workers World <ww@wwpublish.com>
Organization: WW Publishers
Subject: Workers around the world: 12/12/96
Article: 2040

Transit strike hits capital

Workers World, 12 December 1996

Taxis and public buses were noticeably absent on the streets of Port-au-Prince Nov. 26 as drivers struck to protest the rising cost of gasoline. The price of gas has increased three times this year and the fare has not, so we can't even buy parts for our cars, said public transit driver Raymond Cineus.

Drivers put out a warning that scab drivers should avoid Cite Soleil, a poor working-class neighborhood, or their vehicles would be stoned.

The government claims that it can't lower gas prices, which are tied to the world market. Instead, it offered a plan to raise fares.

It's not a regulated raise in fare we want, because Haitians can't afford it, said taxi driver William Fils- Aime. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere.