The Haitian worker organization Batay Ouvriye reports that Megatex management has agreed to engage in negotiations with the union and a lawyer this Thursday, August 27. Management had held informal talks with union representatives on August 20. If the company does in fact negotiate in good faith, this will constitute an historic first in Haiti's export sector. Batay Ouvriye credits international pressure (your letters and faxes!!!) with this new level of cooperation on the part of management. Thanks to all of you who responded to our previous alerts. We will continue to keep you informed as events unfold.
Representative of 7 U.S. human rights organizations met on August 25 via conference call to coordinate solidarity efforts in support of the organizing activities of Disney workers in Haiti. Participants were unanimous in their belief that we should re-energize this important struggle to win justice for the Disney/Haiti workers. The group will continue its discussions by email and then hold another conference call in a few weeks. Representatives of other organizations also have expressed a strong interest in participating in the newly formed working group.