From Thu Dec 21 11:36:17 2000
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 23:07:05 -0600 (CST)
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Haiti_Progr=E8s?= <>
Subject: This Week in Haiti 18:40 12/20/2000
Article: 111585
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
This Week in Haiti,
A comedy in the making, or a tragedy?
This is the question one had to pose on hearing of the Haitian
opposition's project to form a parallel government
to challenge
that of Haitian President-elect Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who takes
office Feb. 7.
Despite giant demonstrations by tens of thousands in support of
Aristide and his Lavalas Family party (FL) and Aristide's repeated
appeals for reconciliation and dialogue, the Democratic Convergence
(CD), a small consortium of neo-Duvalierist and social democratic
parties, continues to loudly and daily assert on Haiti's airwaves that
the country is in the grips of a Lavalas dictatorship
which the
Haitian people reject.
The Convergence is now organizing itself as an alternative
declared Sauveur Pierre Etienne of the CD's Struggling
People's Organization (OPL). We won't take power by ourselves. We
will establish a provisional government with civil society
organizations and other opposition parties. So everybody should be
clear that on Feb. 7 there will be a provisional government which will
have the mission of organizing a general election in the country... in
no more than two years.
Etienne said that the CD now had a directorate
which was
meeting with a series of personalities from civil society
day to choose a president, ministers, and a consultative
for the provisional government.
We cannot yet say exactly how we are going to set it up
clarified former Duvalierist minister Hubert De
Ronceray, the leader of the CD's ultra-rightist Patriotic Movement for
National Salavation (MPSN). The CD is now conducting an
intersectorial forum,
De Ronceray said, and people are very
to the idea. The 95% to 98% of the population which
followed the opposition's call to boycott the Nov. 26th elections,
they are awaiting us,
De Ronceray explained. We do not have the
right to betray them, to abandon them.
Most Haitians chuckle at the opposition's claim that less than 5% of population voted in November's election. The Provisional Electoral Council (CEP), an independent international observer mission, and a Haitian observer group all assessed participation as 60% to 65%.
Before this opposition, this political minority, creates a
government, it better think about creating a country to put it in and
creating a people to govern,
quipped Lans Fanfan, a Lavalas Family
Popular support for the incoming government was underlined by huge rallies on Dec. 16, the tenth anniversary of Aristide's first election. Thousands rallied at Delmas 16 in the capital, in the southern city of Cayes, and in other provincial cities.
The opposition does not have the legitimacy to establish a
government without going through elections,
declared one
demonstrator at the Delmas rally. That's precisely what the Dec.
16 struggle was all about: to guarantee the Haitian people's
sovereignty to choose their leader. The opposition cannot come and
rule the Haitian people without the consent of the Haitian people.
Aristide is also internationally recognized as Haiti's legitimate
president-elect despite a bitter propaganda barrage from the
mainstream media and certain foreign officials who sought to discredit
the summer's electoral process leading up to his November
victory. Although pressed by Washington to shun or at least scold his
neighbor, new Dominican president Hipolito Mejia said he recognized
Haiti's elections as a matter of national sovereignty.
week, Venezuela, the Philippines, and Taiwan all sent new ambassadors
to Haiti, another sign of support. Multilateral lenders such as the
Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank say they are ready to
activate aid packages as soon as they are ratified by the Haitian
parliament. The Parliament ratified three of the five agreements last
Perhaps the biggest blow to the opposition was a Dec. 1 letter
U.S. President Bill Clinton sent to President-elect Jean- Bertrand
explicitly recognizing the Haitian leader. Now, as I
prepare to leave office and you prepare to return, I believe we have
an opportunity to set the basis for a strengthened relationship in the
years to come,
Clinton's letter reads.
U.S. Embassy spokesman Daniel Whitman clumsily tried to obscure the
letter's import, claiming that it would be going a little far to
call it a note of congratulations,
even though no FL spokesperson
had called it that. Whitman said that Clinton called on Aristide to
pursue all possible ideas for finding a solution to the electoral
impasse known since May 21, 2000
(when nationwide parliamentary
elections went overwhelmingly to the FL), but the letter says nothing
of the sort. Apparently losing all his diplomatic senses, Whitman
called the CEP's calculation of 8 to 10 Senate seats wrong
said that it is necessary that Haitian authorities restore, with a
new Electoral council which would have credibility, its electoral
process so as to restore the trust of the Haitian people and of the
international community.
Of course, in light of the U.S. election
fiasco, such admonishments are more than ever ridiculous.
But the oppositon did get some solace from a Dec. 8 statement issued
by Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC), Rep. Benjamin Gilman (R-NY), and
Rep. Porter Goss (R-FL). These three ultra-right Republicans, who have
been at the forefront of most U.S. Congressional attacks on Haiti,
called Nov. 26 a sham election with the sole purpose of delivering
absolute control over Haiti's government to Mr. Jean-Bertrand
They contended that Aristide is not fit to join the
democratically elected leaders at the Summit of the Americas in April
in Quebec, Canada and called on the U.S. to deny or rescind
visas, review the green card status, and freeze the assets of the
narco-traffickers, criminals and other anti-democratic elements who
surrounded Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
With Republican George W. Bush
now set to assume the U.S. presidency in January, such virulent
language may indeed spell trouble for the Lavalas.
Accordingly, Aristide has been extending olive branches everywhere. He held meetings with his old nemesis Marc Bazin, the former Duvalierist Finance minister and World Bank official who was his chief contender in 1990. He also nominated three lawyers -- Garry Lissade, Pierre C. Labissière and Calixte Délatour - to a special commission to evaluate the May 21 elections. The opposition still refuses to nominate anyone.
Meanwhile, another sector claims it wants to bridge the gap created by
the CD's rejectionist posture. Loose-cannon politician Turneb Delpé of
the PNDPH proposed yet again a national conference,
a call he
has made with astounding persistence at every political juncture over
the past decade. Delpé has joined forces with representatives of
Haiti's traditional bourgeoisie like Gérard Gourgues and Odette Roy
Fombrun to form the Initiative Committee for Civic Action for
Reconciliation of the Nation with Itself or CIRENE. After presenting
pages upon pages of declarations, the Committee concluded, through
sheer force of rhetoric, that reconciliation of the nation with
itself imposes itself today as an historical necessity.
equates the CD and the FL as two extremes, both at fault. Do they
offer a third way
? That remains a mystery, as does their choice
of name. Apparently the CIRENE does not realize that its acronym
denotes a creature in Greek mythology which lured sailors onto rocks
with beautiful songs.