Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 22:59:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Bob Corbett <>
Subject: (fwd) HTI: This Week in Haiti 13:30 10/18/95 (1)
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Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 18:35:12 -0700
From: Bob Corbett <>
Newgroups: hrnet.americas
Subject: (fwd) HTI: This Week in Haiti 13:30 10/18/95
Newsgroups: hrnet.americas
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From: (Debra Guzman)
Organization: Human Rights Network - HRNet
Subject: HTI: This Week in Haiti 13:30 10/18/95
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 17:09:00 +0100
Reply-To: (Debra Guzman)
## author :
## date : 18.10.95
This Week in Haiti,
Nineteen years. That was the length of the first US occupation of
Haiti. Never again, we were told. The 1994 version was going to be
quick and painless, a necessary expedient to restore democracy. Yes,
yes, quick and painless, the exit strategy
was already mapped
out. Yes, yes, one billion dollars in aid, the international community
was rallying around Haiti. Yes, yes, stop the flow of refugees, peace
and justice for all.
Yankee go home!
came the cry from Cite Soleil this week. UN
go home!
said hundreds of demonstrators as they stoned an official
US motorcade. What? How could this be? One year after the return of
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, isn't everything running smoothly,
even spectacularly? Not really. The promises are unraveling and
fast. No end to the misery, no aid,
no foreign investment, no
justice, no democracy, and, yes, the refugees keep leaving and, yes,
the troops will be staying. All of these facts became clear this week,
even for those liberals and progressives who have shut their eyes to
the reality of Haiti this past year.
The catalyst was the celebration
of the one year anniversary of
President Aristide's return last Oct. 15 on the shoulders of the US
imperial army. US Vice President Al Gore and UN Secretary General
Boutros Boutros Ghali, the hard cop and soft cop, came to
Port-au-Prince this weekend for the occasion. Boutros Ghali observed
the observers, showed support for his new colonial administrators,
urged national reconciliation, and talked about keeping UN forces in
Haiti after their mandate runs out in February.
Gore read the riot act to Aristide on adhering to the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Structural Adjustment Program
(SAP). I was greatly encouraged by President Aristide's commitment
to continue on the economic reform program put forward by the
government in Paris last year,
Gore said wryly after meeting with
Aristide at the National Palace Oct. 15. If his public comments
stopped right there, few would have raised eyebrows. But Gore went
beyond diplomatic niceties, and forcefully insisted that Aristide
implement the SAP, leave office in February, and retain Prime Minister
Smarck Michel. We discussed the need for continuing international
assistance to meet the developmental requirements of Haiti and the
steps the government of Haiti and its people need to take in order to
ensure the continued flow of these funds,
Gore smoothly
Of course, a governor like Smarck Michel would see such an aid cut-off
as catastrophic (even though there has been no real aid turn-on) since
his approach to running the Haitian economy was predicated on foreign
assistance. He designed a budget for the next fiscal year that relies
on external sources for 40% of its financing, about $100 million. But
the aid
of course has strings attached. There was ambiguity and
unresponsiveness from Aristide as the IMF and World Bank insisted that
- and above all privatization - stay on
schedule. Thus, Michel made known his intent to resign just before the
Oct. 15 ceremonies and the arrival of Gore.
Gore made it abundantly clear that the United States wanted Smarck
Michel to stay on as prime minister, despite the overwhelming popular
hostility to his policies. Prime Minister Michel has been a leader
and an inspiration in Haiti over the past 12 months as President
Aristide's point man on economic reform, and budgetary process and
negotiations with international financial institutions,
Gore said
in a joint press conference with Aristide on Oct. 15. We have
enormous respect for him and naturally we would greatly regret his
Gore also reiterated the very same warnings that Michel had made in
recent weeks when defending his economic reform package. The
support of the international financial institutions for economic
reform and progress in countries around the world has always been
conditioned on measures to ensure that the money is able to be put to
good use and is not simply wasted,
Gore said. He especially
singled out privatization, one of the three major points of the Aug.
1994 Paris Plan, which also demands that the Haitian government open
up its internal market and sack thousands of state
workers. Privatization, we know from experience from all over the
world, is an important part of the reform process and continued
progress on reform is always essential to get the continued support
from these international financial institutions,
Gore said. It
is critical that the reform process continue because we know from
experience in many other parts of the world when reform is put into
place the lives of the people improve.
Yes, the lives of rich
people improve. The lives of the poor worsen drastically.
In fact, Gore was well aware that the entire US prescription for
Haiti, both political and economic, is a hard pill to
swallow. Reconciliation, rebuilding and healing and privatization
can be painful,
Gore said as he passed through the impoverished
southern town of Cap Rouge at the end of his 10-hour stay in
Haiti. But we have no doubt you will overcome all obstacles.
His message to the Haitian people: we know what's best for you, and
you will have to do what we say, like it or not.
Despite Gore-encouraged speculation that Michel might stay on as prime minister, the resignation was effective Monday. That was the very day that the Haitian government was supposed to open bids on the state-owned cement plant and flour mill.