After trying for two decades to reform Haiti into a modern
neo-colony, foreign investors are finally rubbing their
hands while they watch the Haitian government capitulate to
the demands of the International Monetary Fund, the World
Bank and the US Agency for International Development
(USAID). Among those welcoming Haiti into the fold of
sheepish nations was the head of the Association of American
Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (AACCLA), a group
representing more than 16,500 company and individual
members. Latin America has been a 'hot investment' market
during the 1990s, as governments throughout the region have
implemented broad liberalization policies aimed at both
attracting new investments as well as helping domestic
companies become globally competitive,
said Jaak Rannik,
the AACCLA president, in a May 26 press release. Even Haiti
has bought into the model.
Of course, Rannik is referring to the embrace of
neo-liberalism by the Haitian government, not the Haitian
people. Nevertheless, foreign businessmen are trying to
convince Haitian workers that they have to make themselves
more competitive.
In essence, Haitians are being told that
their only hope for the future is to be cheaper laborers
than anybody else on the planet. (The minimum wage is
supposed to be raised from 15 to 36 gourdes -- about $2.50
-- which is still less than the $2.84 which prevailed during
Haiti's assembly industry heyday in the early 1980's).
was the principal theme of two notable
business meetings in Haiti last month.
The first gathering, held May 11 and 12, was of the
Consultative Group
-- the World Bank-led assemblage of
international organizations such as the European Union and
USAID which are trying to dictate the economic future of
Haiti. Their message was the tired old prescription of
structural adjustment which has brought misery to millions
of people around the world -- privatization, price increases
on basic goods, production for export, low wages, and the
elimination of tariffs. In other words, more poverty for
During the meeting, the Haitian government obliquely
complained that money was not coming fast enough. The
disbursement of funds is often done so slowly that it forces
the national institutions to rely on their national
resources, which are meager,
whined Haitian Prime Minister
Smarck Michel at the meeting.
But, the Consultative Group
felt, inversely, that the
money flow was too fast. The disbursement of money was done
in a more rapid way here than elsewhere,
countered Marc
Schneider of the USAID, citing as examples Nicaragua, El
Salvador, and Panama. We can all look at ways to accelerate
our own internal procedures,
he admonished the Haitian
government. But he also kept dangling the carrot: You're
going to see the first project disbursements very soon.
The second meeting was a little more nuanced. Organized by
President Aristide and misleadingly entitled A Haitian
Effort to Take Charge of our Economic Future,
400 business
people from Haiti and the diaspora gathered in
Port-au-Prince from May 15 - 17 at the Economic Symposium
to hear the Haitian government promise that it would leave
economic affairs to the expertise
of the private sector.
In fact, the meeting was little different in substance than
two previous Haiti Government/Business Partnership
held in July 1993 and November 1994. The
neo-liberal Minister of Finance Marie Michelle Rey
reaffirmed her faith in free enterprise,
liberalization of the economy
and competition, and
stressed again the need to attract capital to promote
according to the bi-weekly newsletter, Haiti
The business meetings were held, however, in a climate of
growing protest. Public school teachers, backed by their
students, launched strikes and demonstrations in April and
early May to demand a 300% pay increase to compensate for
the dramatic plunge of the gourde in recent years. The
government, led by Education Minister Emmanuel Buteau,
offered 30%. Some demonstrations turned violent in the
middle of Port-au-Prince when public school students tried
to get support from those in private schools. (UN troops,
who refuse to police
the country when Macoutes are
involved, fired tear gas at student demonstrators.) Then
President Aristide intervened. The two unions who led the
struggle -- Union Nationale des Normaliens d'Haiti (UNNOH)
and the Corps National des Evaluateurs Haitiens (CONEH) --
accepted a 120 percent salary increase. Aristide's
bypassing of (Education Minister) Buteau,
noted the
bi-monthly Haiti Info, is an example of the way the
government is confronting issues where the population's
demands are not being met: the president intervenes
personally, thus gaining political mileage and further
propagating the myth that all unpopular policies are not his
responsibility, but the fault of those around him.