In a full and complete capitulation before the U.S.
and other powerful countries who run the all-powerful Washington
multilateral banks, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his government
have signed the country up as the most recent passenger on the sinking
ship of structural adjustment.
The devaluation of Mexico's peso, riots in Brazil and other countries, numerous studies documenting the disastrous effects on the health and welfare of populations and growing coalitions of non-governmental organizations lobbying against Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) have had little effect on the zeal of Haiti's planners and politicians, including the president.
The Jan. 31 agreement in Paris - where Haiti was pledged US$1.2
billion dollars in aid
over the next 18 months and in return agreed
to follow IMF and WB advice to adjust
its economy - comes as little
surprise. It was merely a formalization of an August, 1994, meeting
where members of Aristide's government verbally agreed to such
neoliberal reforms
micro-managementof social services (a shifting away from state- to private- and/or
non-governmental- provided services).
Those and other measures were outlined last August
[see Haiti Info v.2, #26], but Prime Minister Smarck Michel elaborated
them further in an obsequious Jan. 24, 1995, document presented to the
multilateral (WB, IMF, etc.) and bilateral (U.S., Canada, France and
others) donors
in Paris where he begged for aid
as he practically
apologized for the country's errors
of the past. (Actually, at least
half of the aid
are loans, raising Haiti's foreign debt by over 50
percent to almost US$1.5 billon dollars. Most will not even be disbursed
until 1996.)
In the 16-page paper, not distributed to the press, Michel spoke
of the lessons learned over these three long years:
We must begin from the undeniable observation that the social, economic and political situation of Haiti has radically changed since September, 1991, and although the basic objectives (democracy, justice, state of law) of the mandate of the Dec. 16, 1990, government have not changed, one must negotiate them another way.
In other words, the meager reforms the Aristide government sought or spoke
of seeking - a raise in minimum wage, land reform, support for some
national production, etc. - are no longer feasible because the
situation... has radically changed.
The strategy of economic development adopted is a strategy
based on export-led growth,
said Michel in the paper. The market
should play a fundamental role in the allocation of resources... the
dynamism of a competitive private sector will favor the growth
necessary to pull the most deprived people out of their infrahuman
Through reforms,
Michel promised to improve the efficiency of
the economy and free up growth.
The last stage will consist of... arriving at a zero tariff,
except for some products which will benefit from temporary exemptions,
Michel said.
Finally, for the first time, the government admitted openly its full embrace of a SAP:
The government will obtain the support of the World Bank and the IMF for the preparation of a Program of Structural Adjustment, whose principal objectives are: to raise the growth rate of the real GDP to six percent per year during the period 1996-1998; to reinforce the balance of payments, and to increase the mobilization of local resources.
If this discourse sounds familiar, it is because SAPs are already being applied in about 80 countries, effecting 80 percent of the planet's population, with the consequences all too predictable.
For 30 years, experts
have been talking about development,
but those in the so-called Third World know a different reality. The
gap between the developed
industrialized capitalist countries and the
dependent countries is wider than ever. Even the U.N., which, under
U.S. leadership identified a new development
model and goal every
decade since the sixties, has been forced to admit that each one, and
indeed, the past 30 years, have been a failure.
For three decades, the Third World
has been overwhelmed by a
flood of sophisticated language, projects, programs and experts
all types and ideological persuasions. Today they are pushing the
latest development fad,
the SAP, or as Zimbabweans call it:
Suffering for African People.
In a recent article, Economics Professor Michel Chossudovsky of
the University of Ottawa denounced SAPs point-by-point, each time
exactly rendering what Haiti is experiencing. He even described what
was called the Paris plan
(released in August, 1994).
SAP countries are obliged to come up with a national
framework paper,
actually written under close supervision of WB and
IMF economists. Although the stationary is different, the guidelines
and objectives are the same: wrench open the economy, destroy the
national industries, shrink the states, float the currencies, resume
debt payments, reorient agriculture from self- sufficiency to export
crops (to earn hard currency for debt payments), create cheap labor
pools and markets for industrialized countries' goods.
While adopted in the name of 'democracy' and 'governance,' the
SAP requires the strengthening of the internal security apparatus:
political repression - with the collusion of Third World elites -
supports a parallel process of 'economic repression,'
explained the
So-called 'governance' and the holding of multi-party elections
are added conditions imposed by the donors and creditors, yet the very
nature of the reforms precludes genuine democratization... [They]
promote[s] bogus institutions and a fake parliamentary democracy, which
in turn supports the process of economic restructuring... under the
guidance of the Washington-based financial institutions.
(The U.S.
dominates both with almost 20 percent of the votes. Together, the
world's ten richest industrialized countries control over half the
[A SAP] increasingly denies individual... countries the possibility of building a national economy [and] the internationalization of economic policy transforms countries into open economic territories and national economies into 'reserves' of cheap labor and natural resources.
The Twin Sisters
John Maynard Keynes, who attended the meetings at Bretton Woods in
1944 which established the banks, dubbed them the twin sisters.
(Actually, the World Bank
groups together
three agencies - the International Bank for Reconstrution and
Development [IBRD] , founded in 1944, and the International Finance
Corporation and the International Development Association, founded
later). The IBRD and IMF emerged as World War II wound to a close and
were the result of the new relations of strength in the world arena,
where the U.S. was becoming the number one power in the West. From the
beginning, they were contrived to help establish and promote U.S.
The WB, traditionally headed by a U.S. citizen appointed by the
U.S. president, has the largest portfolio and lends money to
governments and also to the private sector. Payback periods vary
between 20 and 40 years. WB advisors work in most ministries of
countries. The IMF, traditionally headed by a European, was
established to oversee exchange rates and lends money for
balance-of-payment purposes. In SAP countries, the IMF has virtual
control over the exchange rates and is involved budgeting and financial
After the Vietnam War, the WB was floundering due to lack of repayments and U.N. criticism, and had to choose between writing down the debt or increasing its portfolio. Bank President (and former U.S. Secretary of Defense) Robert MacNamara gave it a new lease on life, announcing it was now the benevolent patron of the poor and increasing lending from US$953 million in 1968 to US$12.4 billion in 1981.
Most, if not all, WB and IMF money has ended up back in the rich countries. In 1992, the WB divisions that lend to poor countries dispersed US$16.4 billion. The grantees sent back US$10.2 billion in repayments and also spent US$6.5 billion in industrialized countries for goods and services, meaning they suffered a net loss of almost US$200 million.
SAPs produce predictable results. On paper, growth
is up.
Latin America saw 3.2 percent economic growth
in 1993 and 3.7 percent
in 1994, and inflation (for the entire region except Brazil) fell to
16 percent, down from 19 percent in 1993. But unemployment also rose in
every single country except Peru, and according to the U.N. and other
agencies, 200 million Latin Americans - 40 percent of the population -
lives in poverty. Statistics from around the world give concrete
examples of what kinds of effects Haiti will feel:
adjustment,wages have fallen and malnutrition, illiteracy and illness among the poor have risen. Foreign debt went from US$1.4 billion in 1983 to US$4 billion in 1992.
adjustmentsince 1980, 75 percent of rural households live in abject poverty. Forty-eight percent of the population is under- or unemployed. Each year, 40 percent of the budget and 31 percent of export earnings go to debt payments.
There are thousands of other statistics which
could be cited, but a glance at Mexico's current crisis provides a more
current and global picture. Last December the artificially propped up
peso crashed. That and the Jan. 1, 1994, Zapatista uprising,
expression of the exploitation and discontent of the rural poor, were
just the tip of an iceberg.
Mexico's adjustment,
financed with over US$1 billion in WB
loans, consisted of lowered or eliminated tariffs, export- agriculture
orientation, high interest rates to attract investment, and a host of
other typical measures. The results:
Carlos Heredia, a former finance ministry employee who just finished a report on Mexico's SAP with two non-governmental organizations, said after the devaluation:
The current economic crisis highlights the failure of Mexico's structural adjustment program to bring economic stability or to close the ever-widening gap between rich and poor. The current crisis has nothing to do with human error, as is now being alleged. It's the collapse of an economic model.
Heredia is not alone in his assessment. On Feb. 2, U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rupin said:
Mexico's near-death experience... illustrates the dangers of that free-market model. Opening up to foreign trade and investment helped the Mexican economy to grow at a much faster rate than otherwise. But it was a Faustian bargain, leaving the economy perilously dependent on foreign capital that could vanish even faster than it came.
Despite the overwhelming power of the multilateral
institutions and their U.S. backers, people and organizations
throughout the Third World
are protesting SAPs.
In December, Brazil privatized the airplane company Empresa Brasilena de Aeronautica (Embraer). Four protestors were arrested and a dozen injured when 700 police attacked workers and students after rocks were thrown. The shares were sold for 154.16 million reales (181.4 million dollars), only 0.3 percent higher than the minimum acceptable price.
In 1990, Moroccans held a general strike to protest IMF reforms.
In Nigeria the year before, student riots against the SAP forced the
military regime to close six universities. That same year in Venezuela,
IMF adjustment
led to a 200 percent rise in the price of bread.
Tousands rioted. Soldiers stormed the slums, killing at least 200
people and perhaps as many as one thousand.
U.S.-based organizations and institutions have formed the 50
Years is Enough
campaign to fight the WB and IMF-style development.
With books, brochures, articles and lobbying campaigns, they are
pressing for the end of the current SAPs, debt forgiveness and a number
of reforms to the sisters.
In 1991, the Economic Commission for Africa published the
African Alternative Framework to Structural Adjustment
which called
for a progressive alternative to SAPs that would answer national
economic and social needs through national production, regional trading
and other measures. Last year the South-South North Network in Southern
Africa, a group of 14 groups, demanded the complete cessation of SAPs
and a democratization of the two institutions.
Last month, after a two-week preparatory meeting at the U.N. and
despite overwhelming pressure from the U.S. and European countries,
ambassadors preparing for the World Summit for Social Development (to
be held in Copenhagen in March) finally agreed upon language which
admitted SAPs have negative effects
and called for their study and
reform. Although the statements were significantly watered down from
what some delegates and scores of non-governmental organizations
demanded, the ambassadors are admitting there is a problem with the
current way SAPs are imposed.
Despite the doubts, the overwhelmingly convincing statistics,
the protests and resulting murders, the increasingly organized
opposition to SAPs and their enforcers and the skepticism even coming
from the likes of Rubin and the New York Times, the Haitian government
has rushed to sign up for what will certainly not be Aristide's old
promise of an improvement from misery to poverty with dignity.
Four years ago, 67 percent of the population - the majority of
them miserable
by Aristide's own definition - voted resoundingly
against neoliberalism and its champion, former World Bank employee
and, more recently, avid member of the coup d'etat regime Marc L.
Bazin. Today, as a result of a complete resignation before the U.S.,
the WB, the IMF and the experts
of the developed
countries, they
are being rewarded with an SAP so zealous, it would make the most
liberal neoliberal blush.
Global impoverishment and the IMF-World Bank economic medicine,Third World Resurgence, No. 49 and other articles in the same issue.
Mexican Society: A Grassroots View Of World Bank Economic Adjustment Policies,Equipo PUEBLO. Mexico.