The history of women and gender in Jamaica
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The history of society in general in Jamaica
- Battered Women Are Left With Nowhere to
- By Virginia Hardy, IPS, 2 June 1998. Women's groups called
for the government to establish more shelters for battered
women to no avail. With Jamaica's unenviable track record
for violence against women, the population can scarcely
afford to be without shelter.
- Police and Women Do Not a Pretty Picture
- By Neville Johnson, IPS, 12 June 1998. In inner city communities,
policemen kick and box women without consequence. There are
shootings and house ransackings by police who have no respect
for women. The excessive use of force by the Jamaican police is
an infringement of women's basic rights.
- Women Take the Lead in the Move Out of Poverty
- By Sam Pragg, IPS 9 July 1998. The Jamaican government, along
with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), seems to say
that you pull people from the depths of poverty by starting
with the women. The government's newest poverty alleviation
- The Woman's Right to Choose Back on the
- By Ingrid Brown, IPS, 13 May 1999. The growing number
of babies being killed or abandoned at birth puts the
abortion debate and the woman's right to choose on the
agenda. Because abortions are illegal, many women abandone
infants or go to unqualified abortionists.