The working-class history of Jamaica
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The history in general of Jamaica
The history of farm labor in
- Women victims of sexual discrimination and
sexual harassment at work says world union body
- ICFTU Online..., 27 July 1998. Women, often
single mothers, are being used as cheap labour in banana
and sugar cane production (both export crops) as well as
stone breaking, finds the report. There also problems of
sexual harassment at work. Government failure to deal with
discrimination has been brought up before the ILO Committee
of Experts on several occasions.
- BNS workers could go on work-to-rule today
- The Jamaica Observer, 14 March 2000. Unionised workers
at Bank of Nova Scotia are expected to go on work-to-rule today
to press their demands for an improved wage package from the
bank. The workers are represented by the Bustamante Industrial
Trade Union (BITU).
- JCTU to help resolve warders issue
- Jamaica Gleaner Online, 14 March 2000. The Joint
Confederation of Trade Unions (JCTU) has offered the University
and Allied Workers Union (UAWU) its assistance in the issue
of the more than 800 prison warders facing disciplinary
- Union keen to propose
- Kingston Times Sunday, 19 March 2000. The National
Workers Union (NWU) has requested a copy of the draft report
relating to the Public Sector Entities Project. The union
had made a proposal to the ministry outlining a programme
for Container Services Limited which would improve its
efficiency and effectiveness.
- 'Unions'side-step Government ruling
- By Erica Virtue, The Jamaica Gleaner, 13 August
2000. Public sector workers who are represented by entities
other than registered trade unions, have side-stepped the
Government's new policy which bars public sector negotiations
with non-legal entities. Teachers, nurses, the police and
civil servants say that they are not affected by Government's
ban because they are either represented by registered
companies or the law gives them authority to do so.