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Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 05:47:27 -0500
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Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 20:02:14 CDT
Reply-To: NY Transfer News Collective <>
Sender: Activists Mailing List <ACTIV-L@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU>
From: NY Transfer News Collective <>
Subject: Dominican Republic: Special from GreenLeft Weekly
History in a mural
By Stephen Marks 22 April 1996
The mural along the back wall of the national office of the Dominican
Communist Party is painted by prominent artist Silvano Lora. It depicts the
people's history of the Dominican Republic.
It starts with a portrait of the former dictator, Rafael Trujillo. Dressed
in his Napoleonic uniform and chest full of medals, Trujillo is flanked by
the weapons of death and terror which maintained him in power for 32 years
and made him one of the 10 richest men in the world.
Trujillo extracted much of this wealth from the sugar industry. The mural
depicts the slave-like working conditions which the mainly Haitian, or
Haitian-descended, sugar workers suffered and the pogroms which Trujillo
periodically launched against them. Breaking chains symbolically link the
exploitation of the sugar workers to the rest of the country's workers and
Defiance is symbolised by the founding of the Communist Party in 1944 and
the images of martyrs of the anti-Trujillo underground. Three butterflies
represent the three Mirabal sisters, who died at the hands of Trujillo's
death squads. The mural then depicts the dictator's assassination in 1961
and the 1962 elections, which were won by a moderate reformer, Juan Bosch.
Bosch's reforms prompted a military takeover in 1963 which in turn led to a
civil war. The depiction of the democratic resistance is dominated by the
portrait of Colonel Francisco Caama$o, the head of the riot squad in the
capital, Santo Domingo. Caama$o was won to the democratic side and, instead
of shooting the people, distributed weapons to them.
The popular uprising of April 1965 captured Santo Domingo, but bayonets,
instead of the symbols of victory, are painted on the wall. Two days after a
provisional government was formed, 23,000 United States marines started to
Trujillo's former aide, Joaqu!n Balaguer, was installed as president, and
the old system of institutional violence, corruption and electoral fraud was
re-established. Democrats and Communists continued to resist. In the
subsequent repression, the left lost many activists and prominent leaders.
Caama$o was killed in 1972, soon after returning from Cuba with a guerilla
column. Amaury Germ n (who led the revolutionary forces during the civil war
at the age of 16) also lost his life, as did Roberto Duverg and
Maximilliano Gomez. Despite these losses, the left survived, and the mural
concludes with a symbolic representation of workers, farmers, the middle
classes and women united against neo-Trujilloism.
Our host explained the mural as we stepped around party activists putting
the finishing touches to the giant banners which were to adorn the venue of
the unity conference. The banners celebrated the revolutionaries who inspire
Dominican socialists: the Mirabal sisters; Manolo Tav rez, guerilla fighter
of the Revolutionary and People's Liberation Force (FRLP), killed in 1963;
the early Communist Orlando Mart!nez; Duverg , a founder of the July 21
Revolutionary Force; Germ n, a leader of the January 12 Liberation Movement;
the peasant leaders, Mauricio and Mam Tingo, who were assassinated while
defending land occupations; and of course Che, Marx and Lenin.
Six-month airmail subscriptions (22 issues) to Green Left Weekly
are available for A$80 (North America) and A$90 (South America,
Europe & Africa) from PO Box 394, Broadway NSW 2007, Australia e-mail: