The social history of the Republic of Paraguay
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World History Archives and does not
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- Paraguay's Baby Trade
- J. Clancy, Progressive News & Views List, 9 November
1995. Fair skinned babies stolen to be sold into US
- No child's play—Under-age
recruitment in the armed forces
- News Release by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
International, 5 April 2001. Children as young as 12,
illegally recruited into the Paraguayan armed forces and
police, are routinely subjected to ill-treatment.
- Francisco Carballo Figueredo (15), Ruben
Dario Alacaraz (17) and other detainees at the ‘Panchito
Lopez ’ juvenile detention centre
- Amnesty International Urgent Action Bulletin,
28 February 2000. The grossly inadequate conditions at
Panchito Lopez
, where minors, 90% of whom are in
pretrial detention and have not been sentenced, are held in
severely overcrowded, insanitary cells with few washing
facilities, little exercise or fresh air, with insufficient
food and lack of proper medical care.