The history of urban life in Brazil

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News from Brazil, 15 January 1998. A survey shows that 63% (approximately 4.3 million people) of the residents of Sao Paulo city, 16 years of age or over, suffered violence during the last five years. Five captains of the military police in Sao Paulo published a book entitled React! Prepare Yourself for Confrontation.
Italian Aid Targets Residents of Brazil's Slums
By Jorge Pi¤a, IPS, 23 March 2000. The residents of these neighbourhoods, known as ‘favelas&217; in Brazil, already face serious economic and social challenges in addition to the fact that they were not legally registered, meaning they did not have the right to vote or participate in other civil activities.
Urban Planning for Rio de Janeiro's ‘Favelas’
By Mario Osava, IPS, 27 August 2000. The city government of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's second largest city, is carrying out what it says is a successful urban development programme to provide slum-dwellers with basic infrastructure and services—including, for the first time, something as simple as postal addresses.
Study shows ‘favelization’ of Brazil
SEJUP (Servico Brasileiro de Justica e Paz), News from Brazil, 12 January 2001. A recent study released by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) shows the favelization (an increase in the number of favelas, or shanty towns) of the country. There was a very rapid growth in urban population and not one state government prepared for this.
Violence in Brazil
By Heidi Cerneka, News from Brazil, No.466, 29 March 2002. Brazil is living in a situation of war, a Social War, according to United Nations special advisor Jean Ziegler. A striking disparity between rich and poor. Exacerbating the dramatic increase in violence is a continued complete lack of confidence in public security and government officials.