Date: Mon, 15 Dec 97 15:55:36 CST
From: rich@pencil (Rich Winkel)
Organization: PACH
Subject: Weekly News Update on the Americas #411, 12/14/97
Article: 24079
/** reg.nicaragua: 34.0 **/
** Topic: Weekly News Update on the Americas #411, 12/14/97 **
** Written 12:16 AM Dec 15, 1997 by wnu in cdp:reg.nicaragua **
Retired general and former chief of Paraguay's army Lino Cesar Oviedo surrendered to the 1st Infantry Division in Asuncion on Dec. 12 in compliance with an arrest order issued by President Juan Carlos Wasmosy [see Update #405].
Oviedo had been in hiding for six weeks to avoid the presidential order, which authorizes 30 days of disciplinary detention; he turned himself in hours after the Supreme Court annuled a writ of habeas corpus that had protected him from arrest.
When he gave himself up, Oviedo was accompanied by about 500 sympathizers of his political group, the National Union of Ethical Colorados (UNACE), an internal division of the ruling Colorado Party.
In related news, Dido Florentin Bogado, recently dismissed from his post as ambassador to Brazil, says the government fired him for being a friend of Oviedo. [La Republica (Peru) 12/13/97 from EFE, AFP]