Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 23:02:04 -0600 (CST)
From: Maryknoll Brazil SPPG <>
Subject: News from Brazil, No. 329
Article: 49698
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
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SEJUP (Servico Brasileiro de Justice e Paz),
News from Brazil, No. 329, 9 December 1998
As talks are breaking down between city officials and street vendors, so are the health conditions of some 20 street vendors who began a hunger strike last week.
The strike began after city officials prevented the vendors from selling their goods on the public sidewalks in Bras, a neighborhood of São Paulo.
Most of the vendors are unemployed, and just doing whatever they can to make a living. The protesters are spending their days and nights on the sidewalk, sleeping on cardboard, and enduring 37C heat during the days.
Two of the women have already suffered heart problems
and were taken to the hospital. Strikers also are feeling very
vulnerable as the police are offering no protection, and at times
harrassing the strikers. I don’t know what to expect. We are
afraid of the night. We could be robbed. But we fear more the civil
police, who already threw water on us the first night,
one striker.