Date: Thu, 27 Nov 97 09:33:35 CST
Subject: Brazil: Brasilia: Youth and violence
Article: 22875
A survey carried out by UNESCO at the invitation of the government of the Federal District of Brasilia amongst middle class youth between 14 and 20 years revealed their attitudes towards violence. The government decided to carry out the survey after five middle class youth caused the death of Pataxo Indian Galdino Jesus dos Santos by sprinkling him with a combustible liquid and putting fire to him on April 20 last.
401 youth were surveyed. 12% of those interviewed belonged to gangs. For the majority, youth belonged to gangs in order to drink alcohol (86%); to fight with rival gangs (80%); to smoke marijuana (77%) and to write graffiti on buildings (74%). Questioned about the seriousness of burning beggars, 81% replied that it is a criminal act; 15% that it is very serious; 3% that it is serious and 0.2% that it is normal.
Questioned on violence frequently suffered by segments of the population the replies of the youth varied. 42% replied that it is serious to humiliate transvestites whilst 27% believed that it was normal. 45% answered that it was serious to humiliate prostitutes and 26% replied that it was normal. The humiliation of homosexuals was considered serious by 41% and normal by 25%. The destruction of a public telephone was considered a crime by 39% and serious by 28%. Aggression during parties (festas) was considered very serious by 30% and serious by 34%. 91% of those interviewed were students. Of this total 79% replied that they had never suffered threats or intimidations in school or college; 15% had such experiences on a few occasions and 3.7% had on many occasions.