Date: Sat, 18 Feb 1995 11:20:59 -0500
Sender: World-L - Forum on non-Eurocentric world history
From: Kathleen.P.King@CYBER.WIDENER.EDU
Subject: JALAS&L Spring 94-95 Article #1 Highlights
To: Multiple recipients of list WORLD-L
This report on race relations in contemporary Brazil is based on an unusual type of field research, that of university students on a class assignment. In February 1993 approximately 450 faculty and university students-most from the United States-spent four days in Salvador, Bahia, as part of a program called Semester-at-Sea. They arrived on board of the SS. Universe, a ship that sails around the world twice a year, offering university credit for classes that involve both formal instruction and field research. Students in my courses were encouraged to go out and gain some first hand knowledge about race relations in Salvador da Bahia.
The students were relatively well prepared for their assignment. Two Brazilian interport lecturers introduced them to Brazilian life and culture; class readings exposed them to scholarly literature on Brazilian race relations; class discussions examined techniques for making field observations-what things to look for, and what types of questions to ask. The students were white and spoke no Portuguese, but this turned out to be less of a handicap than we feared. Brazilians of all colors and from all walks of life proved willing, often eager, to communicate with them--in English and, when necessary, in sign language--about race relations.
The students' greatest assets were their enthusiasm and sense of
adventure. They met a wide range of Brazilians--taxi drivers, tour
guides, prostitutes, popsicle vendors, university students,
professional, and businessmen. They ate in a wide range of places,
from greasy spoons
to exclusive restaurants; they visited
neighborhoods both poor and wealthy, they attended soccer matches,
went to beaches, and worshipped in a variety of churches. As a whole
they experienced more in four days than I could in four weeks.
The observations and reports of the Semester-at-Sea students during
this voyage contribute to the long-standing debate about Brazilian
race relations which once was considered exemplary. In the 1930's,
1940's and 1950's, the Brazilian scholar Gilberto Freyre fostered the
image of Brazil as a land of racial tolerance. Such an image has been
reinforced by the American historian, Frank Tannenbaum, who agreed
that Brazil's race relations stood in stark contrast to the racial
violence and formal segregation that bedeviled the United States.
Indeed, in the 1950s, Brazil's image as a racial democracy
inspired a series of UNESCO studies whose aim was to make it a model
for others to follow.
Today, many Brazilians still regard their country as largely devoid of
racial discrimination-a position taken by at least one of our
interport lecturers-but others consider the Brazil's reputation as
tarnished. The UNESCO studies, which were designed to highlight the
nation's harmonious race relations, ironically produced a generation
of scholars--notably Florestan Fernandes and the Sao Paulo school of
sociology--who argued that Brazil's image as a racial democracy was
undeserved. Today, when scholars speak of Brazil's racial
they often enclose it in ironic quotation marks.
Other topics covered in Prof. Glasco's article are: Salvador da Bahia and its History; The Students Findings, Race Relations and Bahian Society; Color Preference, Dating, and Marriage; Student's Assessments; and Significance of Student's Reports.
Highlights of the second article of this volume: Emancipacao racial
no Brasil: uma incessante continuidade historica
Emancipation in Brazil: An Historic Continuum) will be posted in two
weeks. In this article Hering underscores the significance and impact
of the many and continuous struggles Brazilians of African ancestry
have had be engaged in to promote liberation from the repression
imposed upon them over the centuries by Brazilian prevailing orders.
She examines these liberation movements, from colonial times to the
present, highlighting the distressful manner in which these movements
have been undermined by the dominant sectors of that society.
The Journal of Afro-Latin American Studies and Literatures-JALAS&L is published annually in the latter part of the Autumn quarter. Individual or institutional annual subscriptions include one book per year. For subscription information please write to Prof. Kathleen P. King, Technical Editor: <>. Inquiries and submissions should be sent to the Editor, Prof. Rosangela Maria Vieira, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Howard University, 2400 6th Street, N.W.--Locke Hall, Washington, DC, 20059. Please continue to write, your support is very important to all of us.
<Respectfully submitted by Kathleen Palombo King, Technical Editor of JALAS&L,>