Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 23:26:09 GMT
Sender: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <LABOR-L@YORKU.CA>
From: LabourNet <chrisbailey@GN.APC.ORG>
Subject: Santos unions - we accuse COSIPA
In an operation of real media war, COSIPA bought big advertising space in today's Brazil papers (April 9), trying to convince hearts and minds that they are right in this scandalous affair they are involved in. With the help of conservative newspapers, historically linked to the dismantling of Brazilian trade unionism, they try to convince public opinion that they are obeying the Harbours Law, when in fact they are doing exactly the opposite.
Read the Union's reply:
The Union's reply to the provocation in COSIPA adverts
The Informative note
distributed by COSIPA in newspapers and TV
stations confuses and misinforms. It only serves their purposes and
the purposes of those who try, starting in that terminal, to subvert
the present labour regime in harbours and grant themselves
unprecedented privileges. For this we accuse them.
We accuse COSIPA of lying when it says that it wants its new terminal
to comply with the new ports law. Under the vague concept of
increased demands of higher productivity
their real aim is to
break the Harbours Law, to contravene the Convention 137 of the ILO,
and to kill, before it is even born, the pressure to adopt a social
by the World Trade Organisation.
We accuse COSIPA of a deliberate monopolistic policy. They ignored the Harbours Law (8,630/93) two years after being passed, with a simple order from the Transport ministry (94/95) which, conveniently, excluded their terminal from the area of the Organised Santos Harbour. With this they gained tax privileges in relation to the publicly owned harbour and also to other private terminals in the Port of Santos. COSIPA sabotages the country and the very concept of competition.
We accuse COSIPA of deceiving the population when they say that their methods would mean development for the region, when their interests will only be served by an impoverishment of the Baixada Santista. The flexibility they demand from workers is the same as that of the neck waiting for the guillotine.
We accuse COSIPA of using a decision of the Higher Labour Court which the unions are appealing against, as a tool to maintain a so called legality whilst no longer using registered labour.
We accuse COSIPA of trying to criminalise the workers who were walking through the company, peacefully and in order, without causing any damage. COSIPA should go back to respect of order and good sense, in the name of Brazil and the development of our people.
We will not surrender
Sindicato dos Estivadores
Sindicato dos Conferentes de Carga e Descarga
Sindicato dos Consertadores de Carga e Descarga