Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 01:28:01 GMT
Sender: Activists Mailing List
From: Rich Winkel <>
Organization: PACH
Subject: Request For Letters To Save Brazil's Coastal Rainforest
To: Multiple recipients of list ACTIV-L
/** headlines: 132.0 **/
** Topic: Request For Letters To Save Brazil's Coastal Rainforest **
** Written 10:02 AM Nov 2, 1995 by econet in cdp:headlines **
/* Written 11:10 AM Oct 31, 1995 by glenirn in rainfor.genera */
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From: Glen Switkes <>
Background: The Ribeira de Iguape River is one of the few remaining free-flowing rivers in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, and flows through one of the few remaining vestiges of Brazil's Atlantic Coast rainforest. The Atlantic Coast forest is one of the earth's hotbeds of biodiversity.
In addition, the Ribeira valley is the homeland of 4,000 riverine families, including descendents of former black slaves who found refuge in the valley more than a century ago in communities known as quilombos, and who use the forest sustainably.
A Brazilian aluminum company has proposed a series of hydroelectric dams which would severely impact the river's ecology and the inhabitants of the Ribeira valley.
On October 25, 1995, the State Legislature of Sao Paulo approved Law 802/93 which:
This is a crucial step forward in stopping the Ribeira dams!!!
However, the governor of Sao Paulo, Mario Covas, has said he plans to veto the legislation. It is crucial that Governor Covas and the state Environmental Secretary, Fabio Feldman receive letters urging the governor to sign the legislation.
Ask the governor to sign this landmark legislation to protect the Ribeira de Iguape River and the Atlantic Coast rainforest. Please mention that the dams will impact the inhabitants of the quilombos in the Ribeira valley who are seeking recognition of their right to their traditional lands. Urge the governor to take measures to protect the Ribeira valley, and to make it a model of sustainable development in one of the few remaining intact expanses of the Atlantic Coast rainforest.
For more information:
Glenn Switkes,
International Rivers Network
Berkeley, California, USA
tel: +510-848-1155
fax: +510-848-1008
Sandra Inez G. Paulino
Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens - Brasil
Rua da Consolacao, 21 - 9 andar - cj91 - centro
01301-000 Sao Paulo, SP
telefax: +55-11-256-0839