Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 98 15:25:06 CST
From: rich@pencil (Rich Winkel)
Organization: PACH
Subject: Weekly Americas News Update #416, 1/18/98
Article: 25943
/** reg.nicaragua: 33.0 **/
** Topic: Weekly News Update #416, 1/18/98 **
** Written 9:51 PM Jan 18, 1998 by wnu in cdp:reg.nicaragua **
On the night of Jan. 16, Brazil's two main opposition parties-- the leftist Workers Party (PT) and the populist Democratic Labor Party (PDT)--sealed an electoral alliance for presidential elections this October [see Update #399]. Under the terms of the accord, negotiated at a meeting in Rio de Janeiro, the PT's Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and PDT leader Leonel Brizola will run as presidential and vice presidential candidates, respectively. The pact has not yet been officially confirmed, as negotiations are continuing over the possible participation in the alliance of other leftist parties, such as the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), the Popular Socialist Party (PPC) and the Green Party (PV).
President Fernando Henrique Cardoso has not yet confirmed or denied
whether he will seek reelection in October, although he currently
leads all voter intention surveys and is expected to run. Lula is
currently showing second in voter preference polls. In an interview
with Buenos Aires daily Clarin, PT president Jose Dirceu warned that
the government no longer has the slightest margin to maneuver in
the face of the global crisis unleashed in southeast Asia.