The Voisey's Bay Confrontation
in Northern Laborador
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The history in general of the Inuit
and the Innu Nation
- Defend Eimish!
- By Tshenish Pasteen, Innu elder, 2 March 1995. A 12-day
standoff between Innu and over 50 RCMP officers ensued at the
remote location. An attempt by the Labrador Inuit Association,
which also has rights in the Eimish area, and the Innu Nation
to negotiate with the two companies ended abruptly when the
company made it clear that it would not recognize aboriginal
rights and resumed exploration activity.
- Who owns Voisey's Bay?
- By David Playfair, in the People's
Voice, March 1995.
- Voisey Bay Update 07/07/95
- From Larry Innes, Environmental Advisor, Innu Nation, 5 July
1995. A brief account of mineral exploration and development
activities at Eimish (Voisey Bay), and of some of the major
concerns that the Innu have with this development. Current
events; history; economic significance; related mineral
eploration activities; environmental impact.
- Newfoundland Withdraws Voisey's Bay from Land
Rights Negotiations
- By Larry Innes, Environmental Advisor, Innu Nation, 29 January,
1997. Innuit land claims around Voisey's Bay, northern
Labrador, because area likely to become the world's largest
nickel mine.
- Innu and Inuit win a victory against nickel
- Innu Nation press release, IPS, 8 September 1997. An
August court ruling in favor of the Innu and Inuit of Labrador,
Canada, in their fight against the Voisey's Bay nickel mine
has sparked hopes of similar success among other indigenous
groups in North America. The Newfoundland Court of Appeal ordered
the Voisey's Bay Company to halt all construction pending
the outcome of an appeal against work at the mine proceeding
until an environmental study is complete.