The retrospective history of
Native Americans in Canada
as a whole
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The history of Native Canada as a whole
- The Mohawk Defense Of Kanasetake (aka Oka, Quebec,
- From the Lubicon News Station, Edmonton, Alberta Canada, (n.d.).
Appended is an editorial from The Edmonton
Journal, 6 May 1991. The stand-off at Oka, March-September
1990, was a decisive turning point. The problem started when
the courts allowed a the development of a golf course one of
the last small parcels of sacred grounds, including a Mohawk
meeting place and a centuries old cemetary. A small band of
angry natives successfully held off the army.
- The Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal
Peoples by Church and State in Canada
- The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada, 20 August
2001. The report contains the tesimonies of nearly 200
aboriginal eyewitnesses to murder, torture, sterilizations
and other crimes against humanity committed at church-run
residential schools and hospitals across Canada. The
genocide of aboriginal peoples in Canada continues today.